Uluru, December 21, 2020

As we approach The Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, stellar proximity that hasn’t occurred in 400 years, also aligns to the sign of Aquarius.  For many, this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.  For many more, the 21st of December marks midwinter, the Winter Solstice.  Global ceremonies celebrating these transitions and more.  During revealing times, many of us feel called to participate by sharing our personal aspirations and renewing our planetary responsibilities in ceremonies.  For me, I have requested ancestral permission to travel to Uluru for the purpose of participating to the extent that I am capable of, a ceremony to usher in positive change on our planet.  Should you wish to learn more about the ceremony being held at 9:02 pm ACST {TIME CHANGE, NOW 7:32 PM} at Uluru on the 21st of December 2020, http://forgottenorigin.com/dec-21st-uluru

The flyer below offers many teachings and if called, in the final days of its availability, you might find the shared dreaming story of Uncle Lewis Walker beneficial to the soul.  Click on the photo for the direct link and if that changes, please the URL on the flyer. 

Our alien ancestors

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