The Invitation from The Mother, Part One 

The following question and answer segments are based on Stephanie I., a client, asking about my time with the Arhauco, Wiwa, and Kogi in Colombia.  I am sharing my personal observations, interactions, and understanding.  These viewpoints do not represent nor suggest that I am speaking on behalf of the tribes.

SI:  I remember you saying something about an initial psychic contact (in Dreamtime?) and I would love to hear so much more about what that was like!  And have you ever asked yourself– why were you called?  Do you have an answer to that?

AP: Thank you for asking and sharing your interest.  Let me weave in a little history before I answer your questions directly.  Many of the indigenous tribes reside on the triangle-shaped mountain that rises about 18,000 ft (5,700 m) from the Caribbean coastline in what is now the Sierra Nevada of the Santa Marta region of Colombia.  A large group of indigenous people also live along the coast or are dispersed within the towns, villages, and cities in the departments of Cesar, Guajira, and Magdelena to name a few.  

The four principal tribes are the Arhuaco, Wiwa, Kuankamo, and most known, the Kogi.  While the greater world may know them by their Spanish names, their tribal names are numerous as words are considered sacred and reflective.  I am told these principal tribes consider themselves the four legs of the table and conduct tribal affairs as a council.   While they are descendants of the Teyuna, each tribe is uniquely expressed, differs in cultural preferences, and together supports The Mother. I am told that the Kuankamo whom I did not meet, had lost their way by becoming integrated into an external culture that did not serve the heart of the mother.  I am told they are returning.  Their purpose and the Mother are one.  Upholding The Original Law of creation that all beings are sentient – including man, rock, and water, – and that we have a responsibility to maintain right relations as well as to protect the heart of The Mother.

The Invitation

I was told by the coordinator that “The Mamo’s ask The Mother’s permission to grant access to and welcome each participant.  The Mamo’s divine the situation and then approach the council for their recommendations.  Together, they act as one.”  My name was discussed, and an invitation found its way into my life.  If you or anyone else would love an opportunity, ask from your heart, allow it to be heard, and let go.  I learned from the coordinator, that her response took 10 years before it arrived. 


I am aware that our expanded consciousness is in many places and spaces at any given time. During Dreamtime, I am able to consciously participate in conversations with others who are awake.  To many, a dream is their mind unraveling thoughts, emotions, and desires as they sleep. It can be just that.  To an awakened human, Dreamtime is a chance to interact consciously with others without having to be present physically.  

In October 2017, I overheard the council discussing my invitation to come to Colombia.  

While my name was being discussed, I heard the shamans known as mamos speaking, I gently said, “I gladly step aside to anyone that would assist or is more suited to their cause.”  

Nevertheless, an email invitation arrived two days later.  

The day the invite arrived in my inbox, I was unceremoniously acknowledging my birthday at the doctor’s office filling out forms: name, age, ailment, etc.  My only day off coincided with an annual physical, followed up with an eye appointment across town.  I was already having to face reality:  constant travel, an intense work schedule, and other demands were taking a toll on my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I struggled to mentally switch gears.  Questions raced through my mind:  Would I be able to rearrange my sessions?  Clients had been waiting months, would they be upset or understanding? Can I really climb up that mountain hauling a sleeping bag, and clothes for both mountain and sea and be clear-headed to remember to leave no trace behind?  Self-assessment ensued: I was already physically fatigued. I had just invested in weeks of physical rehab, arranging hard-to-get evening appointments.  Now vacillating between Yes, No, I don’t know, I turned to my doctor.  Can I get a Yellow Fever shot?  Unfortunately, no. That would require one more step, locating a travel clinic and making an appointment.  By the time I arrived home after a series of doctor appointments, truth be told, my heart was anticipating spending the few days I had off in December to be with my daughter.  To go would mean giving up our time and returning to a full schedule, with no days off.  The final assessment came when I asked the following: Would I be bringing these beautiful people all my problems or was I in a heart-centered space to receive their teachings and offerings with gratitude?  I then offered the reply I had given in the etheric, only this time in writing, “I gladly step aside to anyone that would assist or is more suited to their cause.”  

They understood.  And the spots were filled.

Around November 15th, the day my body regained its strength and physical rehab was complete, the etheric invitation arrived once again.  I was catching up by phone with a girlfriend I had met in Peru.  I spoke about the opportunity in Colombia and recognized through her prompting that I was now in a place where my energy was capable of managing the requirements.  I sent an email of inquiry and soon learned that the council had already made a decision to offer two additional spaces.  I invited her to submit a request. I recommended her because she had stated a desire and had asked the universe for an opportunity many, many years ago.  We were approved, and in December we left for Colombia.  Why?  After a UFO moment in Bimini 2015, and coming to terms with it, I stopped asking why.  I simply allow life to unfold and respond as truthfully as I am able.  However, what I did not quite understand during the invitation process was to trust that the Mamo’s could see beyond my current situation and that I would be ready by the time December arrived.  The Mother was calling, and it was important that I witness, interact, and participate with the coordinator, the tribes, and the group attending.  This invitation was to awaken the human mind to the needs of The Mother. 

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