The Footsteps of the Grecian Goddesses 

Our Earth is going through a long, difficult healing process and Gaia needs us to heal the abused child, the slaughtered animal, the poisoned river, the conflict within our homes, the conflict within our communities, the conflicts between regions of the planet.  She needs our alert and sensitive awareness, our efforts to heal ourselves and others, our action.  She is crying out and we are crying with Her, even if we don’t know what it is that is making us uncomfortable, sad, depressed, angry, in pain, in grief. There is much grief work to be done and much healing too. – Eva Yaa Asantewaa


Months of preparatory excavations occur prior to stepping in the footsteps of the Neolithic goddess. Excavating layers upon layers of history.  Sifting through the lay system acknowledging, feeling, and more importantly, moving the past into transformative fires.  

As we transition from one epoch to another, this energic breakdown to buildup phase continues.

I have been preparing for a celebratory gathering, namely Starseed Greece Adventure 2019, a small invite for those glorious women who are walking the way.  Ready to celebrate the earth and her mysterious nature. A joyful action, not in the negation of, nor ignorance from, the pain and suffering still flushing out of the earth and each other — Obviously, there is so much to do.  

For those who are ready to take in a long inhalation of the Aegean Sea and celebrate by the moon along with the goddesses of Crete, an invite will be shared soon.  Athena has asked that I step onto Crete in full trust, to walk into the mystery with as little itinerary agenda as possible – for it may and will change – such is the w-a-y.  Stepping into an area that holds the records prior to the fall and rise of the patriarchal man may create a stir.  With all Starseed Adventures, whatever surfaces during our stay, shame and blame are not offered by me, rather an invitation to look deep within and actively engage in the inner work to heal the divide with self-love.  One who looks within is courageous for she liberates us all from the bounds of time — the reoccurring wheel leveraged by unconsciousness. I welcome you to the inner well.

Never let your memories be greater than your destiny. – Althea Provost


Inner technology, from stabilizing seed crystals to light gate technology continues to present itself. The open road in 2018 led to heart activations, stargates, and portals, third eye meetups which were realized in person to person contact, more mysteries than I can decode and more interconnectivity amongst my fellow travelers – were talking telepathy.  My husband remarked you start a sentence and trail off into silence before finishing.  Sometimes, verbal expression is exhausting.  It’s quicker and more transparent with telepathy.  And more fun.  We had several Starseed adventurer moments with shared telepathy and shared visuals of the mystery – LOVE the coherence.  


Not a single person knows what is to come.  It’s called The Mystery for a reason.  We can take detailed notes of experiences, share them with great care but the Mystery reveals itself only when it chooses, and not how and when we demand it so. Glimpses may come. Bits and pieces may be shown but we are never given e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.  We are given what is necessary for our shared evolution.  Shared because everything is interconnected.   


The precognition moments I experienced during childhood, around the age of eight, were on certain topics, some specific to U.S. policy.  One particular topic highlighted America’s incarceration policies.  On the inner screen within my third eye, I saw a future news broadcast.  A brief snippet debating the extreme mindset toward repeat offenders. I would later see this broadcast appear on the nightly news in the 1980s.  During that decade, we had the naive advocacy from Nancy Regan’s ‘Just Say No’ to the sad reality and policy of youth entering into the criminal system for saying yes to marijuana.  Extremism that would evolve into the three-strikes law in the 1990s and a burgeoning criminal justice system for addicts.  In 2014, Colorado voters legalized recreational use of pot becoming the first state to do so.  The voters I spoke with, mainly mothers, had grown tired of seeing their kids incarcerated for pot use and for myself, I had tired of seeing our nation’s youth and our tax dollars being flushed down the toilet.  Last week, senators are taking steps to introduce a First Step Act for drug offenses involving crack cocaine, giving federal judges more flexibility to adjust prison terms and sentencing based on behavior and vocational training.1  Perhaps a start to correct failed and naive policies that led to America to become “the world leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation’s prison and jails.”2  Tracking this timeline has helped me to understand several processes related to societal evolution.  The pendulum in a dualistic system swings from indifference to compassion but in unification, we offer and apply wisdom.  An evolved mind is whole, working toward healing and reintegration of all species.

1Bowman, Michael. “US Senate Advances Criminal Justice Reform.” VOA, VOA, 18 Dec. 2018, 

2 Bozelko, Chandra, and Ryan Lo. “Opinion | The Criminal Justice Reform Bill Is a First Step That Deserves a Second Look.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 13 Dec. 2018, 

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