Starseeds & The Gaia Project

Starseeds & The Gaia Project

Among the things rattling around my brain for the past few days are starseeds, seed crystals, earth grids, trees, and conscious evolution. Not random ideas at all, rather interconnected and purposeful.  STARSEEDSReflecting upon my peers, and the many women who have come before, trailblazing the planet long before cell phones, GPS, online fundraisers, and a…

The Footsteps of the Grecian Goddesses 

The Footsteps of the Grecian Goddesses 

Our Earth is going through a long, difficult healing process and Gaia needs us to heal the abused child, the slaughtered animal, the poisoned river, the conflict within our homes, the conflict within our communities, the conflicts between regions of the planet.  She needs our alert and sensitive awareness, our efforts to heal ourselves and others,…

Diamond Consciousness

Diamond Consciousness

LET’S POLISH YOUR DIAMOND. Diamond Consciousness is a name given to a consistent pattern seen within my mind’s eye.  An energetic signature or pattern appears within a client’s bio-energetic field reflecting a state of consciousness.  I see sacred geometry as a universal language that communicates structure. If a client is entering into a new state…

Entering Sacred Neutral

 ENTERING SACRED NEUTRAL Many old souls are feeling the call to enter into sacred neutral. Moving away from the polarity structure embedded into Gaia long ago, and into sovereignty over their holographic mind-body-soul. Cultivating a peaceful, non-reactive state, while allowing emotional, mental, spiritual data to arise but not turning that data into a saga…nor a…

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