Holographic Reality

Holographic Reality

PRECOGNITIVE HOLOGRAMS Precognition is the ability to perceive or see a future event through extrasensory perception (ESP) or clairvoyance. Buckle up our virtual seatbelt for a few precognitive experiences that shaped and formed virtual reality before my physical eyes.  There were curious weeks of observing thoughts manifesting in thin air: ideas appearing virtually, then disappearing, only…

Þingvellir National Park.

New Moon Solar Eclipse, March 8, 2016, Almannagjá Spreading the Aguayo cloth with colorful bright stripes onto a snow-covered boulder made me smile.  There are very few things I travel with, items small enough to fit inside a pocket: sacred oils, white sage from New Mexico, delicate crystals, and a box of waterproof matches.  Winter in Iceland…

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