Stretched Beyond Human Proportion


It’s been quite the year of high strangeness. After a day’s visit to Northern Ireland, a few highlights started with a zeal point activation. Who doesn’t find a kaleidoscope experience interesting? An intense realization about the ancient Seers at the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta followed this. Later, as the airplane flew over Crete in preparation to land at Chania airport, a Cretan entourage of women suddenly appeared in my third eye. They were justling forward with brimming smiles and an unforgettable welcome. And yet, nothing quite compares to my birthday week, where I experienced my neck suddenly stretched – elongated beyond human proportion. It’s such a bizarre sensation. Cue Grace Slick and her powerhouse rendition of “White Rabbit.”

‘Go ask Alice, when [her neck is] ten feet tall.’

By the end of the week, I would place my hand on my neck to gauge its width and height. I curiously pondered how many hands it would take to reach the top of my etheric neck. I wrote down this strange experience to focus on creating something fabulous to be unwrapped later. Five days later, an author publically shared a Facebook post about her positive experience with an extraterrestrial who casually used his 3-fingered hand to insert a spinal disc into her neck. That she, too, was experiencing the sensation of an elongated neck blew my mind.

I should note the exceptions of our experiences. I was not visited by an ET nor inserted. At least, my human doesn’t recall. I felt myself stretch into a more representative form. My powerhouse week was purposefully on point with crystal clear intentions. I had been preparing, concentrating, deepening, reviewing, and gathering my energy during a sequestered time that culminated during my birthday week to bring a new level of sharing into 2020. Multidimensional experiences often appear as a series of moments that invite us to dissolve limiting perspectives and habits until the personality breaks free from the chrysalis of amnesia.

Are other timelines accessible? A clairaudient experience from Starseed Malta & Gozo Adventure in 2019 had me questioning time itself. Once I settled into my hotel room at Domus Zamittello and more thoroughly into a meditative state, I overheard an operatic performance performed between a female and male. The voices were so loud; was I hearing the singing clairaudently or from outside? I got up to investigate. My spacious room was several floors up, looking out the window to a calm street scene, and opening the window yielded noise but not an aria. I resettled myself. The voices returned. This female voice commanded attention as she scaled the notes from high to low, the language undecipherable to my untrained ear, perhaps Italian. The male singer responds in a baritone, a lover’s response. Days later, I learned that adjacent to the hotel was once a majestic Royal Opera House; the remnant Corinthian columns were the last signs of its regal beauty. Built in 1866, the interior of the Opera House suffered a fire in 1873 and then a severe bombing by the German Luftwaffe in 1942. 2006, it became a car park before restoration to an open-air arts venue.1 In 2019, during our Starseed Adventure, an operatic scene was playing inside my orbital field. I graciously accepted the opportunity to explore the renowned arias of Maria Callas.

1 “History.” n.p., 2019. Web. 7 Sept. 2019.”

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