
Steven Strong | Ancient Artifacts, Pleiadian Rocks, Out of Australia Theory on InnerTV

Steven Strong | Ancient Artifacts, Pleiadian Rocks, Out of Australia Theory on InnerTV

In this InnerTV interview, Althea Provost and Steven Strong explore Out of Australia Theory, Original Humans, Pleiadian Rocks, Mullumbimby Standing Stone – Australia’s Stonehenge and new unknown Hominid finds: two skulls that ask us to revisit prehuman evolution. Steven Strong and Althea Provost share their experiences with ancient artifacts. Please note: the Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco, and Kankuamos believe they are from Teyuna.


In consultation with Elders of Australia, we believe we have rediscovered a hidden history: The Out of Australia Theory. We have written six books “Constructing a New World Map”, “Mary Magdalene’s Dreaming”, “Forgotten Origin“, ”Out of Australia” and “Between A Rock and a Hard Place” that rewrite the history of Australia and the world.

Our books’ main brief is to prove through scientific fact that which the Elders insist is true. We have assembled facts about archaeological finds, and also early contact accounts, genetics, Serpent myths, Dreaming stories, Amerindian myths, parallels in religious texts, etc into one coherent theory. Unlike the authorities in one field who are limited in their specialty, we draw all the disciplines together and attempt to resolve the confusion.

Our claim is supported by genes, mtDNA, blood, and many experts, that Australian Original people set sail from Australia, not to, 50,000 years ago. We claim that Australian Original people sailed to and settled in America over 40,000 years ago, and visited many other places including Egypt, Japan, Africa, India etc. They were the first Homo sapiens who evolved before the Sapiens of Africa, and who gave the world art, axes, religion, marine technology, culture, co-operative living, language, and surgery.

The debate over whether they were the first people in America is virtually a closed case. Hundreds of bones and skulls have been discovered that are undeniably of “Australian Aboriginal” origin. What it all means has had even the experts mystified. Professor Clive Gamble claims we “have to construct a completely new map of the world, and how it was peopled.” We are responding to the call and attempting to clear up the confusion.

We also trace the legacy of the Australian Original Dreaming found within the mystical sects and creeds. We believe its principal elements are evident in all expressions, particularly Gnosticism.

About Steven & Evan Strong: The Strong’s have spent many years learning, living and/or working with the Bundjalung Language Confederation (Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales), Ramindjeri (South Australia) and Gumilaroi peoples (Northern New South Wales). They operate under the doctrine of Wirritjin (Black Fella, White Fella Dreaming): In remembrance of Karno W…., spokesperson for the Ramindjeri. They work with a diverse informal network of Independent Researchers, Original Custodians/Elders, Patrons/Supporters and Friends. Steven and Evan Strong are based near Byron Bay in Northern NSW For more information, please visit Forgotten Origins: http://forgottenorigin.com

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