Starseed Radio Academy interview

Yesterday, I had a medical appointment with a new doctor who asked me what I do for a living.  She then remarked, “Of all the places you have visited, which one was your favorite?” I don’t think in those terms with one being more significant than others, I replied.  Each sacred site offered different but equally important energetic shifts.   After listening to my examples, she asked curiously, “How do I shift energetically?”  I said, this journey is an internal one, where sacred teachings can only take you so far.  In truth, the path is one of self-sourcing and rediscovering your unique truth.  The internal call kindles the heart flame and when acted upon, fires the belly.  Eventually, the sacred path merges the heart with the mind so the soul can fully enter into the body.  The call comes from your Spirit who is prompting you to return to your real essence.  She started to tear up and offered, “I was just thinking of this and feel I am at a crossroads.  How do I know if I am making the right decision?”  I smiled and offered my truth:  “the wisdom keepers start entering into your life.”  They are mirrors.  

One important wisdom keeper in my life is the host of Starseed Radio Academy.  The day I saw her, I knew who she was and felt the moment to be a reunion.  I hold her in the highest way, a statement I have only offered to one other person.

During this segment, I discuss the energy behind Starseed Australia Adventure, an Aboriginal creation story, Pleiadians, Proto-Egyptian glyphs at Gosford, astronomical markers, ufo crashes, the amazing people at UFOR, Sydney’s UFO group, and more.  I also discuss with emotion, the reasons behind my work.  

I gratefully offer a link to this interview which aired on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, click here.  

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