Soul Empowerment: Cycles of Time

On Monday, August 7th, we experienced a full moon partial lunar eclipse.  The first of two eclipses, a heavenly lineup prompting personal and planetary change.  Let’s take a short moonwalk back to March 13, 1998, do you remember that year?  What were you consciously intending for your inner and outer life?  Recall your successes and failures?  In 1998, I celebrated my daughter’s first birthday, an Aquarian baby and it was my love for her that prompted a bigger dream for our family. It was a risky year with no guarantees, but my heart led the way.  

As of yesterday, we have entered yet another 19-year cycle, with mounting pressure for political and environmental instability.  With due diligence, consciously release what didn’t work for you in 1998 and place your intentions and energy into new choices.   As I tune into our present lunar eclipse, my intentions for the next 19 years are less personal and more planetary.  What’s yours?

A total solar eclipse occurs on Monday, August 21st, where the path of totality will move across a portion of the American landscape.  The last total solar eclipse of this magnitude in the U.S.A. happened on Feb. 16, 1979.1  To avoid repeating the past, we look back through the cycles of time to make new, empowered choices.  Whether our reflection is of a political, environmental, or personal nature, cycles will continue to reflect shadow choices until we apply consciousness.  In 1979, my childhood hero, Jimmy Carter was our U.S. president, and I was sensitive to the amount of ridicule Carter faced to lead a nation toward peace and sustainability. America was at odds with Russia; we were experiencing an ‘energy crisis’ over oil and in some states, such as California, gas shortages led to long lines at the gas pump.  Carter’s administration was deregulating the price of oil to move the country off fossil fuels and into greener technology, expressed through solar energy.  Americans enjoyed their supersized lifestyles – we consume more natural resources than any other developed nation. To deny, obstruct or even introduce alternative thinking was an act of political death.  Weening off fossil fuels and thinking green were actions that eventually ushered in Ronald Regan as the next U.S. president.  Regan had another point of view on energy – he removed Carter’s solar panels on the White House to make his viewpoint clear.  We are facing similar issues today: Carter and Trump are political outsiders, aka non-politician presidents; Russia continues to dominate the headlines, and global revolutions over natural resources, and oil…well, same bat channel.  Will our individual and collective shadow dominate our future?  Or will we begin to heal by looking within?   

Did you know that former President Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO in Leary, Georgia in 1969?2  

On August 21st, I will make my way to the Sandhills of Nebraska to witness the Total Solar Eclipse.  The Moon’s shadow will sweep across the Sandhills in Tyron, Nebraska for 2 minutes and 34 seconds of totality.  Did you know that the Sandhills are part of the final phase of the Keystone XL?  A route that includes placing a pipeline on a fragile area that overlies the Ogallala aquifer.  Last winter, I drove to North Dakota to stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux and global water protectors over transnational interest in the “snake” pipeline.  At Sandhills, contrast over our precious resources continues.  Additional action steps include contacting the Nebraska Public Service Commission which began formal meetings on Monday, the day of the partial lunar eclipse.  A final decision on the pipeline within Nebraska is November 23rd.  Click here to share your opinion with the Nebraska Public Service Commission.

In between these powerful eclipses, we have the Lion’s Gate where timelines merge: past, present, and future. Providing us space to choose anew.  Through effort, we can release our personal past, reset our intentions, experience ah-ha breakthroughs, and accept an ongoing cosmic invitation to become responsible for our choices and responses. Soul empowerment is an actionable step to become crystal clear in your application of consciousness.  As always, I wish you peace.

Walter Cronkite report on the solar eclipse in 1979 – CBS

1“But I’ve Seen an Eclipse Before!” Eclipse2017.Org, 2017,

2“Jimmy Carter UFO Incident.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Aug. 2017,

Jacobs, Meg. “America’s Never-Ending Oil Consumption.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 15 May 2016,, Atlantic Media Company, 15 May 2016,

“NO to Pipeline Across Nebraska!” Nebraskans For Peace, A Statewide Grassroots Advocacy Organization,

Gerlock, Grant. “Why Some Nebraska Landowners Say Keystone XL Still Travels Through The Sandhills.” HPPR, High Plains Public Radio, 7 Aug. 2017,

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