Solar Activity; Symbols for Evolutionary Consciousness

Columnar Waves of Light
On an early November day, I took advantage of a moment between client sessions to meditate. With my mind’s eye, I observed a series of circles stacked on each other, forming a columnar wave of white light above the head of a human body. My body began to heat up. Sensing my energy field expanding, I curiously watched the animated light; the circles appeared to be moving up or down, like a torus (think donut) that folds in on itself. My interest remained peaked, but my attention withdrew to prepare for my next client.
The Sun and Solar Outbursts
A week later, I was sitting in on a presentation called Earth Cycles, Changes, and Implications by Dr. Robert Schoch, an American geologist known for dating the age of the Sphinx with scientific rigor. I was aware of Schoch’s discovery but had yet to read his book Forgotten Civilizations: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future. During his lecture, Schoch skillfully argued that ancient ancestors were recording solar outbursts onto cave walls and rock slabs. Schoch introduced the work of Dr. Anthony Peratt, an American scientist with a Ph.D. in plasma physics. When Schoch presented a picture of Peratt’s plasma experiment, much to my surprise, the plasma photos appeared with a similar columnar wave of light seen and experienced during my meditation. Schoch compared these plasma forms to the petroglyphs and the proto-writing found on the wooden Rongorongo tablet discovered in the 19th century on Rapa Nui, modern-day Easter Island. Peratt, went further by compiling and analyzing 50,000 digitally recorded petroglyphs to identify plasma columns.1 Beyond the science of comparing plasma from solar activity to ancient carved stick figures, in Schoch’s Forgotten Civilizations, he cites several studies linking paranormal activity, such as clairvoyance or telepathy, to electromagnetic fields. The following sentence interested me.
“Detailed analysis has demonstrated that spontaneous cases of such mental phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance are correlated with geomagnetic fluctuations (Wilkinson and Gauld 1993).”
(Schoch, p. 228)
You can thank the sun’s solar burst for any extrasensory sight or inner knowing gained afterward. Carving on a rock is optional.
Back to rocks
In my global travels, I have entered many caves and walked ancient ceremonial paths leading to sacred sites laden with rock carvings, many indicating solar and lunar notation. I have seen Paleolithic caves in SW France where carved dots and dashes form a reminder long forgotten yet duly recorded on cave walls. Recently, in my travels to Australia, I observed proto-Egyptian and star-seeded glyphs that conveyed a history many modern people would have difficulty digesting. My spirit guided me to the Gosford area to remember a prehistoric time. When seeing this area, my traveling companion, a Starseed Adventurer, and a fellow author, Judy Carroll of The Zeta Message, recalled this time when Starseeds traveled to the earth on a starship. Each had a role and a unique memory to share. Through Aboriginal sharing, I viewed ancient handheld rocks marked with the original Star languages and rock wands used to levitate heavy items, according to presenter and author Steven Strong, Out of Australia.
Moving Right Along to DNA
Peratt’s correlation was intriguing. Did our ancient ancestors experience heightened solar activity and record those significant moments on stone, bone, and wood? My work as an intuitive clairvoyant has led to interactions with incredibly bright luminous light and the resulting shifts in human consciousness. Not from outside solar activity but through accessed states of consciousness, similar to deep meditation. Over the years, I have observed DNA-like strands in motion (see Diamond Consciousness) as clients integrate higher knowing and awareness. Perhaps in heightened awareness, ancient ancestors were easily interacting with energy fields in and around them and noting the effects of plasma on their consciousness.
1A. L. Peratt, “Evidence for an intense aurora recorded in antiquity,” The 30th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2003. ICOPS 2003. IEEE Conference Record – Abstracts., Jeju, Korea (South), 2003, pp. 143-, doi: 10.1109/PLASMA.2003.1228570.
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