Sharing the Aloha Spirit

I would like to share a couple of heart moments from a spirit-led adventure to the Big Island and Kauai.


Saturday marked my first full day on the Big Island of Hawaii, and like an explorer who knows its compass, I have circled the island, explored hidden gems, and discovered its colored beaches on prior visits. This time, I was attending a 6-day seminar hosted by Joan Ocean, and Jean-Luc Bozzoli called, Birthing Whales & The Multiverse. A lifelong adventure traveler, I have been fortunate to meet incredible people in my life, fortifying relationships over decades but recently, I have lost another set of heart-based people who moved out of town for life on the island of Kona, Hawaii. I seized the moment to tell the universe with such certainty and finality, I’m not leaving Kona until I see my friends.

During my Hawaiian adventure, serendipity ensued. On the first day, we arrived at an obscure beach at 7:30 am to swim with dolphins. My heart friends walked right up to me. She needed to shift her perception to recognize that this familiar face, one that she has stared at in countless sweat lodges over the years was now standing right in front of her in Kona. I remained silent for that extra element of surprise. Laughter and joy followed. To my surprise, she, and her husband along with another lodge friend were all present. That night, we reunited for a spontaneous dinner blending even more old friends with new ones. Gratitude to Maggie, a client, who opened the door to the possibility of attending this adventure, and for introducing me to a new group of amazing women.

While swimming off the coast of Kona, a dolphin swam over to me, making eye-to-eye contact as it slowly encircled me. I noticed a leaf was caught on a pectoral fin. The dolphin swam closer emphasizing the leaf. Now, I’m not the smartest dry land mermaid in the bunch, and apparently, this dolphin figured that out. Minutes later, a group of dolphins swam below me in a tight formation. There were four adult dolphins and one baby; the baby was on the inside next to its mother. The mother had a leaf in her mouth, and as she let it go, the baby swam to catch it. Ding! The previous dolphin was inviting me to play, the leaf game. PLAY….those delicious words repeatedly surfaced throughout my stay in the Hawaiian Islands. After my magical ‘ah ha’ moment, Laura, my swimming partner appeared from the deep blue. She listened and then found a leaf while asking me to watch her. So, with full concentration, I focused and mimiced her movements. She pops up for air, and I follow. Laura says, Did you get it? Get what?, I asked. With dumbfoundedness, she offers, the LEAF.  Sh*t…..and off I go to find it. Again, not the brightest mermaid.  

Photo Credit:  Dolphin with Leaf, Roberta Goldman


Later that day, we headed back to the harbor when the captain of The Manta passed by a breaching whale. We were behind schedule, but the call of the whale was strong, so the captain turned the boat around. The whale breached seven times, reaching higher and higher in the air as our human pod cheered, clapped, and celebrated its being. On the 7th breach, my heart cracked wide open. With every gift given, gratitude is returned – I hope you enjoy my tribute video to THAT whale.

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