Parked Spaces


When Source light streams through the physical body, our mental-emotional bodies become sensitized to the whole. Light brings everything to the surface from repressed emotions to thoughts densely held within the body. Avoiding source light and its catalytic power for change makes sense, as much sense as wearing tin-foil hats. We are here to experience evolutionary growth: moving out of rigid mental-emotional ‘parked spaces’ and into fluid consciousness.  Embodying your light takes courage and self-discipline; having a sense of humor is a plus.  


In the early 2000s, I met a client who experienced a spontaneous kundalini activation while having a massage in Mount Shasta. Unfortunately, she also discovered energetic blocks in her upper chakras obstructing the flow of life force up the spine. The energy would rise and repeatedly hit a blocked area causing her upper torso to move uncontrollably. She sought out the best-known healers and doctors of that time, spending her savings and eventually, becoming isolated and unemployed. She called to discuss my work which later turned into a person-to-person interview held at my dining room table. I listened to her journey and noticed how she would wince when the kundalini energy tried to move up her spine. I became fascinated by her depth of knowledge on the subject. During her deliberations, I sensed her sizing me up before asking for my credentials. I felt her anger and weariness of false teachers offering false hopes. I simply said I can’t promise you anything, I can only give you my best. At the time, I charged a dollar per minute for energetic work; perhaps I was so inexpensive and forthright, that she decided to book a session. I will never know the reasons behind her choice, but I was grateful for the opportunity.  

We had several energetic sessions. My guided intention was to apply unconditional love and acceptance to her present condition. Source light flowed down through me and onto her energetic blocks. I focused on her ability to allow in Source-light, discussing any resistance, and at every step of the way, I met her with compassion.  Intuitive counsel was offered throughout, and in that reoccurring space, she eventually healed.  We celebrated her forward movement which included moving out of her home and into a beloved partnership of choice.


In the present time, my daily meditations and client work have led to a greater flow of light pouring down my central column. In May, I discovered an energetic block in my physical body.  The flow of Source light hit the obstruction causing intense pain.  Exposure to Source light was like a relentless hammer, repeatedly trying to bust through density.  This experience allowed me to understand a fraction of what my client had encountered in the early 2000s. During deep states of meditation, my physical body would involuntarily twist to the left. This occurred over a few days.  Applying unconditional love, I reached for the universal telephone to state my heartfelt intention out loud, “I don’t care how it happens, but I am open and available for healing. Thank you.”  I held no interest in the ‘back story,’ as my intention focused on forward movement. Perhaps energetic blocks or knots require an understanding, tied to the reasons why old patterns, attachments, and belief systems exist. Maybe an arduous protocol coupled with redemptive thinking is needed for stabilization. I consider my original spark of light to be crafted from divine perfection. My willingness to allow that light to be powerfully present aids in the release of any limitation, whether self-imposed or adopted. I consider time an option.

That same week, while in session with a client to balance and recalibrate her throat chakra, the universe answered my call.  Lidys began to share her unique soul sound and then she started to channel.  Before the call, I was unaware of her gifts as a channel. Her channeling felt akin to my energy. During our conversation, I asked the channel, “On the support of (my client’s) evolution on the planet, how may I serve her? How may I provide greater levels of healing for her? Anything needed?” During the session, the channel offered me support. I allowed my heart to receive the moment. I asked for assistance with my recent energetic knot. “Working on it at this moment,” said the channel, and during that brief moment, I felt the back of my body expand and the obstruction that was blocking the flow of energy release.  Gratitude to Lidys and her extraterrestrial team from Orion. The power of source light is love and embodied love has many forms.  


Also in the month of May, I repeatedly encountered ‘behind the wheel’ chaos energy.  Not once but so many times, I decided to write about it.  In fact, as I was driving to a box store to replace my keyboard, I witnessed two out-of-the-ordinary car wrecks in our small town: one person drove their car into a storefront and on the same street, and at about the same time, another driver ‘obeyed’ the green light, ignoring the car in front of him until he slammed right into it.  In this case, a green traffic light doesn’t mean go.  

The following experiences are shared to demonstrate the power of choice when chaos energy abounds.  The first experience happened in a parking lot; a woman exited her parking space in a pulling-through manner.  At the same time, I was pulling into the parking space unaware of her intention.  Now facing each other, engine to engine, realizing she was about to hit my car, she erupted in intense anger.  I saw her mouth moving and felt her intentions flow my way.  Her chaos met my peace.  While my mental mind understood the situation, my energetic body was expanded in joy, my spirit was available to respond, and my mind was like Bubba Gump thinking about shrimp: fried shrimp, boiled shrimp, barbecue shrimp, limitless possibilities for me to move my car to another space.  In a state of neutrality, I looked into her eyes without judgment. I backed up my car and moved into the adjoining space.  She then pulled into the parking space and placed herself in timeout.  I too joined the timeout to bring more presence into the moment.  Meeting her in like vibration would have increased the chaos energy, serving no one.  When our emotions and mind get the best of us, a timeout is the best reset one can offer in any situation.  Engaging in a daily self-care routine for balance in your life creates more space to deal with chaotic energy.  Chaos energy is reactionary, multidirectional as in scattered, without boundaries it spills onto everything and is in plentiful supply.  Understand that chaos energy provides the foundation for new choices. Meet chaos in peace; peace creates a cohesive wave of limitless possibilities for others to choose anew.  

My final example occurred the same week with another woman who was aggressively driving behind me, pressuring me to run a red light, but I chose to stop.  I looked into the rearview mirror to see her hands waving in frustration, and madness spilling from her mouth. Without thought, I looked into the mirror, pointed to her, and wove my hands all about, crazy-like.  She saw me and started to laugh.  I smiled, returning to my reality.  In both examples, my spirit was at the helm; no thought was required to shift the situation.  As chaos energy arises around us or even within us, utilize your energy to create something better: Laughter, breakthrough conscious moments, density drops, miracles, new skills, and more space. Again co-creators, the possibilities to construct your peaceful reality are endless. 

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