
Neith: Return of the Weavers | Purchase the Replay

Neith: Return of the Weavers is a course presented by Althea Provost and participants who tested the unknown waters of remote sensing together. This journey takes us back in time, delving into the ancient wisdom of Egypt through the temple culture of the goddess Neith. 

The course uses nature as a symbolic language to discuss the three energies often associated with temple priestesses: the bee, the snake, and the spider. These concepts are designed to awaken, support, and guide the learner through both tangible and intangible states. 

You will gain insights into the weavers who bridge the gap between feminine light and consciousness, the source of life, and the cosmic whole. Althea Provost shares her research and spiritual insights on Neith’s wisdom, allowing her tapestry to unfurl. She welcomes everyone to join this adventure and find meaningful connections through exploring temple culture and the divine feminine. 

Through the art of visual storytelling and an invitation to connect to the unknown mystery, we reveal Neith’s ancient temple, discuss spatial awareness, and explore the role of living goddesses as templates for our own divine embodiment. 

Here’s what you can expect from this online course: 

  • A 1-hour recorded Zoom class with Althea Provost and group interaction 
  • Exclusive video and audio content 
  • An exploration of the layout of Egyptian temples 
  • Discovery of the Primordial Goddess, her mystery, and symbols through her evolution through cultures 
  • A deeper understanding of the bee, the snake, and the spider
  • Explore the sacred geometry of nature as an organizational force for cultures.
  • An opportunity to explore your innate knowledge while learning about Neith’s temple and symbols 

Due to the nature of this program, all sales are final. To respect participants’ privacy, personal images are not shown.

Join us on this enlightening journey! 

Neith: Return of the Weavers

A personal note of gratitude to all participants.

Our journey led us to the primordial Egyptian goddess Neith, whose ancient temple in Sa held profound significance. We delved into her impact on Egyptian society, particularly the priestesses who embodied her symbolic energies—the bee, snake, and spider. 

Behind the scenes, extensive research went into crafting this course.  I develop course content with acute care, aiming to teach and inspire further exploration. Citations, links, and suggestions were provided within the richly developed content to support your ongoing journey.  By acknowledging the tireless work of researchers and contributors who enrich and contribute to a wider body of knowledge, we strengthen their voices and efforts to carry the bundle forward. 

And then there’s you—the class participants. Your recognition of ancient wisdom, willingness to engage, and support have been invaluable. Together, we break down the walls that once confined knowledge within mud-brick structures while honoring the legacy of ancient initiates, the privileged few, who developed their abilities to embody timeless wisdom. Today, we create our unique path to knowledge that shapes our lives and contributes to the lives we are graced to touch. 

Thank you for supporting the course, Neith: The Return of the Weavers. 

Note the measuring tape around her.

Weaving the way forward

We had a professional loom weaver and light weavers in our Neith: Return of the Weavers course so I’m inviting everyone to embark on a journey into the heart of Egypt’s textile industry, a realm steeped in history and tradition. The art of weaving, tracing its roots back to 3400 BCE, has been a cornerstone of Egyptian culture, with the loom being its age-old instrument.

Today, as you stroll along the ancient temple sites, you’ll encounter vibrant stalls showcasing a plethora of textiles, from linen and cotton to wool and silk. These are the fruits of centuries of inherited wisdom and artistic prowess, where men and women alike have woven their family legacies and professional lives into the fabric of their creations. The techniques they employ are time-honored, echoing the practices of their ancestors.

During our Starseed Egypt Adventure in 2022, we had the privilege of visiting a bustling textile factory. Here, garments, scarves, and blankets were being crafted with care and precision. We observed this weaver, seated comfortably in a seat carved from the earth itself, working her loom with a serene focus, her feet grounded as she wove her magic. The atmosphere is interactive yet relaxed, casual, and open to go with the flow.

Thank you!!

I soooo enjoyed this class Althea. I was buzzing afterwards 😂 (pun intended🐝😄)and still am.

I look forward to reading everything. Somehow this all feels very familiar and as though I am awakening inside”


Rich in History

Thank you, Althea, for presenting this class rich in knowledge and history, as well as ancient wisdoms as they invite us to engage in now.

As a ‘new kid on the block’ in the gorup, I took on a reserved ‘watch and listen’ stance. I saw and felt love and acceptance all around, from youand the others, which is so lovely.


First Class!

Thank you for the inspiring class on Neith.

It is my first class with you. The interaction and insights that people shared were helpful. Looking forward to listening to the replay. There is a lot to digest.


What our course students have to say

Your interactive teaching inquiry style with us sending our thread to the place or similar made the class vibrate as well as be full, full to the brim with fascinating material, masterfully condensed to key points, almost impossible, but you did it, and very well!
Thank you, Althea. A beautiful class that was resonant to me.
Neith: Return of the Weavers

©Thea’s Heart® LLC, 2024 – All Rights Reserved.

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