LIVE Light Transmission, April 22

Please Join Us for a 30-minute LIVE Light Transmission

Let’s continue to empower each other.  

Join Althea Provost and Star Johnsen-Moser for a 30-minute LIVE call delivering an energetic light transmission.  Allow yourself to receive the healing light, be open to the energies and feel supported by this long-distance healing.  

We are uniting our light in honor of Earth Day.  We are One Body of Light Serving the One Principal of Love.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

  • Noon PST (Los Angeles)
  • 1 pm MST (Denver)
  • 2 pm CST (Chicago)
  • 3 pm EST (New York)
  • 8 pm BST (London)
  • 5 am Sydney/April 23 – Next day

This LIVE 30-minute energetic transmission is hosted via ZOOM.  Join us live or in the replay, call in via phone or web.  Offered by heart-felt love donation.  A donation button is offered below.  Call-in details will be sent to you afterward.  During the call, we ask that you receive and allow.  Replay link will be sent within 48-hours.

Light Transmission

©2020 Thea’s Heart, LLC™ – All Rights Reserved

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