LIVE Energetic Transmission

Please Join Us for a 30-minute LIVE Energetic Transmission

During challenging times, we come together to empower each other.

Join Althea Provost and Star Johnsen-Moser for a 30-minute LIVE call delivering an energetic transmission of support.  Allow yourself to receive the healing light, be open to the energies and feel supported by this long-distance healing.  

“We are assisting our spiritual family by reconnecting with the Divine Presence within, so we can function in greater balance, grounding and strength, and be powerful beacons of Light and love, radiating positive energy to our family, friends, and communities.”

Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 10 am PST | 11 am MST | Noon CST | 1 pm EST | 5 pm GMT

This LIVE 30-minute energetic transmission is hosted via ZOOM.  Join us live or in the replay, call in via phone or web.  Offered by love donation.  A donation button is offered below.  Call-in details will be sent to you afterward.  During the call, we ask that you receive and allow.


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