Starseed Adventures

Informed Adventures

At Thea’s Heart, we are working hard to ensure that we are ready to welcome back our Starseed Adventurers from around the world.  I thank our star seeds for their unwavering commitment to supporting global adventures and our local communities throughout this unprecedented and challenging time.

As the changing landscape redefines and reshapes the travel experience, the challenge of a global pandemic has not stopped us from re-imagining the future of Starseed Adventures

True to the star seed spirit of our brand, our aim now is to reach new levels of exploration while providing safe access to experience the global landscape.  

We welcome the enhanced requirements being issued by many health authorities and governments globally and, as always, we remain uncompromising in our approach to be transparent with safety measures with you, our communities abroad, and with contractors and suppliers whom we rely on to provide travel arrangements.  We work continuously to be informed of the latest travel restrictions to ensure standards are achieved and upheld.

A brief overview of the steps taken includes full CV-19 vaccination of our host.  For our adventurers to once again feel welcomed into soul-enriching environments and be able to experience extraordinary Starseed Adventures, we will continue to rise to the challenge of fulfilling our adventurers’ travel needs, especially in this regard. At the same time, we meet you where you are and through transparency, we move forward.

The Starseed Adventure experience has long been defined by detailed and transparent itineraries, access to support, and education while exploring activated landscapes rich with ancient culture, openness to natural self-expression, and genuine care.  We believe our future remains in the heart of spirit that supports a Starseed heritage that is worthy of embodiment.  And that, within our vans and villas, boats, and activated megalithic landscape, our adventurers will once again experience moments of magic, among those who share and value spiritual knowledge. 

Until we meet again, please stay safe. 
Althea Provost

©2021 Thea’s Heart, LLC™ – All Rights Reserved

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