Diamond Consciousness


Diamond Consciousness is a name given to a consistent pattern seen within my mind’s eye.  An energetic signature or pattern appears within a client’s bio-energetic field reflecting a state of consciousness.  I see sacred geometry as a universal language that communicates structure. If a client is entering into a new state of expanded awareness, a strand of diamonds appears within their field to indicate transformation is occurring.  As the client progresses in integration, the diamonds are shown in motion.  If a client is in a coherent state of expression, the strands of diamonds begin to interlink similar to the animated double helix strand of DNA portrayed below.

Clients who exhibit diamond consciousness share some common traits. Among those traits are the ability to see situations from multiple viewpoints, disengagement from judgment, increasing self-responsibility, and a desire to expand their unique soul capabilities.  As one becomes more aware of their spirit, heightened sensitivity often occurs, perhaps as a result of the consciousness itself.  Initial issues can arise during this growth cycle, one of which is over-identification with the point of view of others rather than observing various expressions with neutrality.

Thank you very much, Althea!! I really enjoyed our session this afternoon – thank you for the clearing, the activations, the expanded awareness, and the healing I received. An energetic Magical mystical tour!!! I love it!!! Blessings, Bronwen


The commonality amongst all clients, and perhaps a universal one, is that inquiry activates and engages the field and the energetic field responds in kind. Like a boomerang effect.  As a clairvoyant, one quality that bears repeating is the desire to know the truth created from wholeness.  To KNOW thyself as an integrated perspective, without the need for facets.  

Stackable diamond patterns are carved into ancient Neolithic megalithic stone. I have seen several examples in Ireland.

In Native American art, these Apache olla baskets illustrate diamond patterns beautifully.

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