Crystal Adventurers


Librans think best with their heads in the clouds, high above the fray where we can easily dream adventures into potentiality, at least I do.  Looking out the rectangle window of a worn 208 Cessna Caravan, my senses ignited at the cloud formation pictured in this post. At that moment, I was contemplating how to share a slice of my reality with you. 

My spirit wanted to celebrate the summer solstice in Hot Springs, Arkansas and luckily, a group of dynamic women I had recently met in Hawaii agreed to join the fun. Our local goddess created the space for all of us to crash her private reality.  One made the 18-hour drive from Toronto, Canada; another started her day with a dizzying multi-flight ride through the sky.  I did the Texas two-step from Denver to Dallas, and from Dallas to Hot Springs on a new regional carrier that left the paperwork and travel fuss behind, old-school flying – my favorite.   

Our plans were loose; spirit-led adventures are about allowing the present moment to flow.  The first to arrive, I walked into the lake view rental and headed to the porch. I was immediately brought into the now moment. Instantly, I knew to cancel my rental car and let go of control.  Have you ever seen sunlight dance on the water? Hypnotized by the play of light, a heron flying close to the water’s surface, wafts of magnolia-scented air carried by the breeze, and an occasional speedboat passing by with passengers singularly focused on a distant destination with tunes turned up high; I could easily make this view a lifelong study.  

On the summer solstice, we gathered the silica-rich waters that readily flow in town, provided healing support for each other, shared wholesome meals, and enjoyed sunset swims in Lake Ouachita.  Have you ever swum in crystalline quartz water?  Waters are so soft, a cool touch that washes away density and lifts the spirit.  Underneath Hot Springs flows thermal waters naturally heated by the earth and beneath that, one of the largest, continuous quartz crystal beds in the USA.  Lake Ouachita offers waterways surrounded by small islands and peninsulas where quartz veins are visible in the rock formations.  Everything becomes amplified with quartz.  If you’re willing to be consciously aware of yourself and the subtleties of any situation that arises, sizable shifts can occur.  My kind of playing field.  


As the days progressed, I became keenly interested in the intersection between the realms.  Those energetic entrances and exits and their perceived effect on others.  Eager to share the sights of Mount Ida, and return a hotel key from a prior visit, I sat in the back seat to observe energy in motion.  My spirit is hard-wired to recognize subtle energies, and over a decade of sacred travel, my sensitivity to energy has become more refined.  On this crystalline adventure, I was curious if others would feel or sense the portals without my prompts.  As we entered the gate, the driver immediately noted the effects.  I smiled.  Others started to speak up.  The most sensitive of the group became quiet as her reflection took on depth.   I have found gateways are multilayered, with experiences ranging from seismic to subtle.  As we made our way up the winding mountain path inside the Ouachita National Forest, I heard the sound of chimes, high-frequency celestial sounds emanating from the ether.  A musical invitation was noted but skipped as I contemplated timing within mystical gateways…my scientific mind tends to get the best of me.  

We reached our intended destination, to gather the trifecta of mountain spring water, Collier Springs, where three lake streams merge into one.  Here, a blue monarch butterfly greeted us.  As I reached for the cell phone to capture a video, the most sensitive Goddess of us all, found herself greeted by a small group of crystalline light beings, and her etheric body was then brought inside the mountain.  She had prior experiences inside the inner earth or Telos at Mount Shasta; now, Mount Ida was ready for her. I helped to gather water, and as I looked into the stream, I became captivated by a set of three moss-covered stones with fern leaves jutting out of the stream bed. These rocks deepened my senses, sharpening my focus within the greater field of energy; I was transfixed by a blue dragonfly beating its shimmering wings on one of the stones.  It flew toward me landing on a tree branch at eye level.  Dragonfly medicine is also multilayered, ranging from ‘breaking of illusions that prevent growth and maturity to bringing vague memories of a time and place where magic reigned.’1  By the way, Magic, as in magical perspectives, is the topic of my next Quantum Conversations with Lauren Galey on July 12th at 4 pm MST.  I hope you will join me.  We gathered under the spigot to allow the cold mountain spring water to flow over our crown chakras.  

Driving down the mountain, the driver noted how time was moving fast.  I smiled.  We were leaving the vortex, and its spin had accelerated as if the Gateway was closing.  We turned onto the main road, and as we exited, the driver once again noted the energy shift and the return of 3D reality.  My smile widened.  Quachita National Forest offers one of the oldest rock formations in the U.S., the forest itself is also considered the South’s oldest and largest national forest spanning central Arkansas to Southern Oklahoma, approximately 1.8 million acres.2,3 The harmonic energy is off the charts.


We had the distinct pleasure of meeting and learning from Gary Fleck, whose lifelong exploration of crystals included hands-on mining, distribution of collector-grade specimens, and a spiritual path filled with unique perceptions and wisdom gained from an earnest walk.  The crystals shown in this blog are a part of Fleck’s collection.  I hope you enjoy it.  Fleck was the caretaker of a 3,300-pound quartz point, affectionally known as the Earthkeeper and heralds from the inner earth of Africa where it baked and compressed over millions of years. While Fleck would never admit to the idea or concept of crystal mastership, his adept knowledge and spiritual experience with the crystal kingdom provided the foundation for my question.  Pondering the delicate, conscious nature of the crystalline kingdom: What perception did the crystal kingdom have about our misuse of their beingness, especially in Atlantis?  So, I asked.  What type of response do you think was given?


My intention is to gather a small group of soulful friends to return with me to Arkansas to share the magic.  The purpose is joyful amplification and conscious realization.  Since 2014, I have made the annual trip back to the Mount Ida area.  Each time, I discover another level and layer of my natural state.  As I was heading to the airport, I came across this peace sign – don’t you agree on peace?  If you are interested in a small group experience over 3 or 5 days, please contact me.  

Starseed Adventures

Are better with you!

1  RedArrow. “DragonFly Medicine.” Dragonfly Medicine. Sandra Pouncey, n.d. Web. 22 June 2017. 

2 “Ouachita.” Ouachita National Forest – Home. USDA, n.d. Web. 24 June 2017.

3 “Physiography of the Area.” Ouachita National Forest. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, n.d. Web. 25 June 2017.

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