Conscious Encounters, The Alien Kind

My first conscious encounter with an extraterrestrial being was a car sighting.  Attending Reggae on the River, a weekend concert near the banks of the Eel River in Garberville, California, a group of girlfriends left the event early while I chose to stay for the close.  On Sunday, August 1, 1993, the concert ended after 7 p.m.   My friend’s father and I gathered the tent and our belongings, leaving the campsite for the car.  Sometime after that, we made our way back to Redwood Valley.

The drive usually takes about an hour and a half, but we were in my father’s yellow 240D Mercedes Benz.  My dad had replaced the diesel engine with a Toyota 21R gas engine he imported from Japan.  We had a saying in our family: “A motor home pulling a boat could pass us by.”  The car gained speed if we had the momentum from declining a steep hill; otherwise, we took in the view.  

On the return drive, three people were inside my father’s hybrid Benz: my friend’s father was driving the car, a concert-goer getting a lift home was sitting in the front passenger seat, and I was sitting in the backseat on the passenger side.

We were driving south on Highway 101 along a serpentine road, likely near Laytonville.  It was late in the evening when the car rounded a corner, and the headlights from the Benz illuminated a small Grey alien standing on the side of the road.  “Did you see that?” exclaimed the concert-goer.  Looking out the passenger side window, I saw a small Grey with big black slanted eyes, short torso, skinny arms, and legs, ‘he-she-it’ was standing still, almost motionless.  I tilted my head against the headrest with an audible moan; the Grey alien delivered a cosmic wake-up call.  My friend’s father asked me if I was okay, and I responded yes.  Becoming quiet, we didn’t speak about the sighting, driving in silence, alone in our thoughts, until we reached Redwood Valley. 

“The Truth Has Legs.  It always Stands.”

-Rayya Elias

That evening, I reflected on a situation that occured before the concert.  I had driven to San Francisco to meet my friend’s father, where I was to follow him back to Redwood Valley for safe measure.  During this benign night drive, an overwhelming vibration came over me.  An energy I inherently knew from childhood contact experiences but had long forgotten.  And now the weird vibe was back.  Quickly rolling up the windows as if to lessen the intensity,  I ignored an energetic pull to look left into the darkness of night.  My friend’s father began to slow down, signaling to pull over to the right.  I refused, keeping my speed constant; my front bumper neared the back of his car.  I knew, without a doubt, that a contact experience would have happened. How I knew that, I couldn’t say.  Perhaps from the sheer power of the relentless vibration.  Hours later, we arrived at his house.  When my friend’s father exited the car, he asked, “Back there, what was that about?”  Ignoring the subject, I went inside.  I knew the vibration but wasn’t ready to explain it to him or me.  Unbeknown to us, this moment was the preview, and together, we would experience contact that weekend.  


In February 2002, I completed Usui Reiki I and II, rekindling my interest in energy and soul awareness.  I jokingly referred to Reiki as the gateway drug to ET consciousness.  Asking Spirit to reveal my extraterrestrial aspect, that night, in a dream, I saw a massive starship.  I instinctively knew the craft belonged to the Greys.  I observed humans, who appeared to be sleepwalking, walk along a landing onto the ship for DNA adjustments.  While watching this scene, my conscious mind became triggered, and conflicting emotions produced an egoic response: trying to wake people up as if to save them—a useless reaction.  I woke up to sob heavily, causing my husband to wake.  

What’s wrong, he asked. 

I’m a G-r-e-y.  

Go to bed, little Grey, he offered while soothing my back.

As the days passed, emotional waves intensified and lessened, back and forth processing from acceptance to denial.  At some point, growing tired of the push-pull situation, I began to assess.  Up until that moment, experiencing disturbing dreams was a rarity.  Knowing that fact about myself, I recognized that my ET dream unraveled an inner conflict hidden within the subconscious.  Internet research uncovered an American online culture rife with projected blame, heavy on judgment and condemnation of the Greys.  Shame-based narratives crafted in spin against Greys were cut and dry, leaving no room for evolution of thought, let alone the species.  We are one light in many forms, whether one finger, three, or five. 

I decided to share my knowledge with those who needed the information and get on with my private life.  As years passed, I met many peers in the metaphysical industry who shared an ability for second sight.  I began receiving unsolicited sharing, “You’re a Grey.” I was comfortable acknowledging their observation.  What I could not fully answer to myself- what was the purpose of this awareness?  


In June of 2013, through sharing my cosmic form with a fellow teacher, she whispered that she, too, was a Grey.  How she knew, this renowned teacher didn’t say.  In 2014, in Hot Springs, Arkansas, I met a young woman who had conscious contact with three Grey beings and felt comfortable with her experiences.  She was open to sharing, and when we met the following year, she shared a recent incident.  She woke up to notice that her long hair now had a sizable chunk missing from the back, cut a few inches from the nape of her neck.  She lifted a section of hair, exposing the clipped-off portion.  “Who would remove her long hair?  Certainly not her parents,” she asked in bewilderment.   Her situation triggered a memory.  In 1984, during the high school year, I awoke to find my hair had been cut.

Looking in the mirror, I now had botched curtain bangs, short like Audrey Hepburn’s micro bangs, except my new style was not a welcomed sight.  I had two clipped sections angled diagonally, from short to severely short.  I was angry, and my family was angry at my accusations.  Confusion was mutual.  I returned to my bedroom in frustration, looked up toward the ceiling, and said, “Leave me the fuck alone.”  As a teen, I was vaguely aware of ship interactions at night but consciously indifferent to the subject.  My attitude changed when I received badly cut micro bangs.  After my decisive declaration, I could not remember being aboard a craft nor having ET experiences.  As an adult, a fellow contactee shared that in early contact scenarios, the Greys monitored the health of human DNA using hair samples.


During the 2000s, I started to re-experience onboard activity.  It was midday when I was driving down the street in Parker, a small town in Colorado.  Suddenly, I began to lift out of my body, and then, my car; My consciousness went up.  Up.  Away.  My vehicle must have been on autopilot; my body was inside, but my awareness was elsewhere.  When my consciousness returned to my body, it was like being slammed into a small container.  Nausea followed and momentary panic before readjusting to the present moment.  My hands gripped the wheel at eleven and two positions, my foot on the break, the car now at a four-way stop with a red traffic light.  My feet hurt like I had just jumped from a roof and landed barefoot on concrete.  Looking at the clock, I could not factor in the missing time.  Feeling my body’s heaviness and physical pain from entering it too quickly, I was aware of being brought up on board a ship for a pressing issue but could not recall why.

Before the car incident, I had entered my body with a jolt during sleep, but this time, I was aware of global service work.  In my astral form, during the 2005 devastation of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, I was one of many people in their astral and cosmic form, helping souls in transition.  Over several days, I remained in bed with my family, offering bedside meals to nourish my body so soul work could continue.  


I continued to have extraterrestrial experiences, but I chose to receive a shot of non-remembrance. Shots administered on the top of my index finger produce a small red bump at the injection site.  The raised bump has a burning sensation and becomes increasingly “itchy” if itched.  The cosmic cocktail can produce allergic symptoms like hay fever but typically pass within an hour.  The benefit of a memory wipe is the ability to concentrate on human life.     

I later learned from Pleiadian and Grey contactees that shots of non-remembrance are used with both species.  The Grey contactee stated that the injections are self-administered.  The site varies from person to person.  One Pleiadian contactee receives her shot on the top of her thumb near the knuckle.  Occasionally, marks appear on my right thumb during the celestial alignment between the Pleiades, the Sun, and Earth, approximately May 16-20 and November 16-20.  According to Lavandar, an astrologer with Pleiadian contact, who coined the term Star Seed in the 1970s, she refers to this celestial time as Pleiadian Lineup, when ships return to Earth to monitor their experiments.  


After publicly stepping forward with my Grey consciousness, I began experiencing vivid dream sequences.  I awoke on December 20, 2015, remembering a control room scene.  ETs were wearing green-colored medical scrubs, surgical hats, and masks.  Grey eyes are tear-shaped and slant toward the temples. Humorously, they covered their slanted eyes with the matching green surgical material. In that dream, the room changed to space, where I overheard mission control dialogue about space, vectors, and portals as we entered an opening in the stars, leading to a broader range of stars.  Like code, numerals or letters streamed by until millions of tiny stars appeared in the foreground.  Unlike my intense experiences with being lifted out and back into the body, these dream sequences indicated soft disclosure.

On June 17, 2016, I woke up remembering a dream sequence where I was on a ship, and in front of me were Greys and humans in uniforms.  They felt like family; I mindfully observed them, taking in the moment.  Upon awakening, I journaled this dream and would have dismissed it as a random subconscious dribble, but one Grey caught my attention.  She was a slender woman wearing a hoodie or helmet that covered the top of her head.  The alien had long blond hair styled in barrel curls.  She pointed with emphasis to a ruddy-red crystal on her brow chakra, placed in the exact position of my third eye.  


Following the dream sequence with the Grey pointing to the crystal at her third eye, synchronicity was in motion the next day.  Preparing to meet with authors Judy Carroll and Helene Kaye during my 2016 Starseed Australian Adventure, I opened their book, The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness, to the chapter “Colors.”  Carroll discusses how Zeta teachers wear colored crystal implants in their brow chakras, noting that “crystals are very high frequency, and can be visible to clairvoyants” (Carroll et al. Colors).  Soft disclosure and synchronistic reveals led to greater awareness of my soul’s multidimensional aspects.  

In the chapter “Reincarnation,” Carroll shares her contact experience involving a crystal.  She was taken in her astral body to the center of the Rollright Stones in England.  Carroll was laid on the ground at the center of the Neolithic circle consisting of seventy remaining limestone standing stones for a ceremonial initiation involving many small hands holding her body firm.  She describes the pain of having “a long needle plunged into her third-eye chakra.  The needle had a most gorgeous, large, light-blue faceted crystal on the other end of it.” (Carroll et al. Reincarnation).  Upon awakening, Carroll recalled the events and found physical evidence, “a small red mark in the shape of a crescent right on the point of my brow chakra” (Carroll et al. Reincarnation).  Carroll further discusses how these crystals are encoded data stamps for work on Earth, linking her to her teacher.  She briefly mentions a case covered by investigative author Paola Harris in which Col. Corso meets an extraterrestrial wearing a red sensor in its helmet.

I ordered Paola Harris’s book, “Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon,” to review a 1997 interview in Roswell, New Mexico, with Colonel Phillip Corso, an American Army officer with contact experience.  During an intense lightning storm, the colonel witnessed ships entering an electrically charged electromagnetic pillar, a gate where two crafts became one due to time distortion.  Inspecting the craft, Corso met a being wearing a glass helmet with a red jewel or sensor in the middle of a band.  With a gun drawn, the conversation between Corso and this space traveler involved asking if the alien was “friend or foe,” to which the being replied, “Neither.  A New World, if you can take it” (Harris, 6-7).  The parting gesture from Corso was a salute and perhaps a contemplative drive back to base, questioning if this “thing” was also a soldier like himself.  Harris asked Corso if the being was a Grey.  However, she did not resolve the question in her book.  Contacting Ms. Harris for clarification, she confirmed that the being was a non-terrestrial, small alien but not Grey and that the metal headband had several interfaces and was meant as a communication device.  In comparison, the Greys utilize organic crystals, and during Corso’s military contact, an unknown being used hardware and a protective helmet for space travel.  

When I asked Harris for any coming out advice, as I mentioned, “wearing my heart on my sleeve and entering into Ufology might be a blood bath.”  She suggested using positive words, “It is about the evolution of human consciousness.  Growing up to be more spiritual, to accompany our technology.  Graduating.”

©Thea’s Heart® LLC, 2017 – All Rights Reserved.

Carroll, Judy, and Helene Kaye.  “Colors.” The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness.  E-book ed., Wild Flower Press, Columbus, NC, 2011. 

Carroll, Judy, and Helene Kaye.  “Reincarnation.” The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness.  E-book ed., Wild Flower Press, Columbus, NC, 2011. 

Harris, Paola Leopizzi. “Colonel Phil Corso.” Connecting the Dots–: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon, Wild Flower Press, Mill Spring, NC, 2003, pp. 6–7. 

Harris, P.  Interview.  Conducted by Althea Provost, September 19, 2016.

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