Suzy Hansen on InnerTV, The Dual Soul Connection

Join Althea Provost and ET experiencer Suzy Hansen on InnerTV. Listen in as Hansen, the author of The Dual Soul Connection, discuss her positive contact experience including UFO light beam moments, advanced alien technology, underground bases, earth changes, third wavers and more. In the Hot Seat, Suzy Hansen shares her POV about the UFO field,…

ET Contactee, Sherry Wilde on InnerTV

Join the conversation on InnerTV! In this interview, Althea Provost presents author Sherry Wilde, whose lifelong interactions with ET’s is chronicled, sparing pretense, in her book, The Forgotten Promise.  Althea asks Sherry for her now moment POV about UFO contact, we explore the ET contactee experience from different angles and discuss knowledge given to her by…

Your invited to Wisdom of the Ancients

A free gift for you.An invitation to learn how to etheric cloudbust. Join me LIVE on Wisdom of the Ancients Learn about my Etheric Cloudbusting process to assist you in rediscovering your Heart Song. SAVE THE DATE: Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST 

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