In her award-winning book, Four Aliens and a Funeral, Althea Provost takes us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening as she shares her personal stories and insights from her work as an intuitive counselor, her encounters with aliens, and her connection with cosmic states of consciousness. As a clairvoyant who can glimpse her future and the hidden realms of existence, she challenges us to explore the nature of perception and the unlimited potential of consciousness. Althea Provost reveals how she opened her heart to benevolent contact experiences, transcended her human identity, and experienced new dimensions of awareness. A captivating and inspiring book for anyone curious about the power of perception.

We are making some waves
Four Aliens and a Funeral is a Gold Winner in the COVR Visionary Awards eBook category and received First Place at the Firebird Book Awards in the Non-Fiction and Spirituality category.

Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Our award-winning book is a labor of love, meticulously crafted from some of my earliest writing. It delves deep into the captivating nature of perception. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or a curious newcomer, this work promises fresh insights and thought-provoking revelations.
In this memoir, you will discover:
- A clairvoyant’s perception of human identity.
- Positive encounters with UFOs, aliens & the hidden realms of existence.
- Insights into the holographic nature of reality and its implications.
- Reflections on unexplained mysteries and metaphysical phenomena.
- Embracing a starseeds experience & embarking on a spirit-led journey.
- Cultivating compassion & cosmic consciousness.
- The COVR Visionary Awards are well-respected in the Mind Body Spirit Industry and celebrate excellence in new releases.
Thank you for attending our book launch, where we celebrated laughter, lightness, our craziest adventures together, and the launch of Four Aliens and a Funeral.
Book Review
Althea walks us through her many experiences and challenges and how she came to accept her identity as a Grey.
As a Grey, she talks about assisting others during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans as well as the 9/11 attack in 2001. I also had the same experience with helping others after these two catastrophes.
I loved reading about her first experience seeing a Grey standing by the side of a road when she and a friend’s father were driving home from a concert. The way Althea shares this experience, along with many others in the book, is deeply felt and accessible.
Others who have had similar experiences will feel supported by this book. They’ll appreciate how she had the courage to step out into the public eye and talk about the events that had happened in her life. Also, Althea shares her wisdom: “The Soul belongs to the Mystery, and our opinions, understandings, and attitudes belong to the personality.” I have always felt this to be true.
One of my favorite experiences that Althea shares is when she watched a star being close a diamond portal. Another one that I love is when she and her brother attended a funeral and were talking when he said that he recalls seeing aliens in their room when they were children. This brought things full circle for Althea.
This book will take you on a wonderful and meaningful adventure. I recommend that Star Seeds and anyone who is interested in star beings, ufology, and consciousness read this book.
— Jacquelin Smith, author of Animal Communication, Star Origin & Wisdom of Animals, Star Being in the Mirror

Readers’ Testimonials
A must-read book…more than about Aliens!
This story hits home on many levels for me. I enjoyed reading Althea’s journey and could relate on every story. As I read her story it would bring back vivid memories of my own childhood with seeing the alien crafts in the night sky in Hawaii, growing up with being an intuitive, premonitions and many magical events. I was with Althea on that Crystal Adventure and she only gave you a glimpse of that adventure, there was so much more but maybe that will be in her next book.
I highly recommend that everyone on their Spiritual path to read this book and if you have the opportunity to join her in one of her Starseed Adventures please do so and experience the magic for yourself.
I’m sure this book will be able to help you see yourself or at least open you up to another dimension of yourself.
Kehau H.
Althea’s Four Aliens and a Funeral offers you spiritual knowledge that has been relatively unknown to most people throughout the ages. She accomplishes this delightfully, poetically and expertly through narrations of her personal experience…as well as her observations and understandings of the true nature of our eternal universe.
If you take your time reading it, reflecting on your own life as well, you also might emerge with a deeper understanding of our immense eternal reality.

John Foster
Author of Eminent Discovery
This memoir is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for growth, curiosity, and connection.
Althea Provost’s voice shines brightly, inviting us to question, explore, and expand our understanding of existence.

Penelope C.
New York City
Book Review
Althea Provost’s book, Four Aliens and a Funeral, shares her personal spiritual awakening and, through her heightened awareness, conveys a profound understanding of the nature and complexity of the soul. She explores how the soul travels through multiverses, space-time, and dimensions, and it can take on different energetic ’suits’ or forms to travel and experience. Through my research with over 3,500 individuals and families, many discovered their human form masked an even more complex awareness, a soul consciousness deeply connected to the ‘intelligences’ they encountered often as ‘family.’
Four Aliens and a Funeral is a fascinating and courageous book. It exposes still more of the complexity and depth of our multidimensional nature and exposes more of the mystery of who we are. A compelling read.
Mary Rodwell, Founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network).
Author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life and The New Human: Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage.

For immediate release:
Author’s new book receives a warm literary welcome.
Some people witness events such as UFO sightings or exhibit inexplicable clairvoyance abilities that cannot be explained through the known laws of science.
Author Althea Provost is one such person. Althea is a clairvoyant and an intuitive teacher who channels the consciousness of the Greys, extraterrestrial guides who strive to take humanity toward a better future. In Four Aliens and a Funeral, Althea shares some extraordinary stories from her multisensory life. Althea’s first encounter with an alien was in 1992 while attending a weekend concert. She developed a keen interest in energy and soul awareness, and after a trip to Yucatan, Mexico, she awakened her ancient cellular memory and soul gifts. Over the past couple of decades, she continued to receive a shot of non-remembrance after each E.T. experience. She also foresaw signs of the global financial crisis of 2008-09.
Four Aliens and a Funeral is a captivating memoir that takes readers on a transformative odyssey of self-discovery unlike any other. After finishing the book, you will likely start seeing the world around you and the universe at large in a different light and may develop new perceptive awareness. Althea Provost is a firm believer in following the guidance of the Spirit that reveals Inner T.V. landscapes as needed and enables her to travel to faraway places. Apart from her UFO sightings and visions of starships, Althea also immerses in holographic reality through her gift of clairvoyance. According to the author, a funeral brings moments of clarity through self-reflection. She also recalls interactions with fellow Greys and other contactees.
This book is a must-read if you’re into visionary schools of thought, psychics, or mediums. I think even skeptics will find it interesting. Highly recommended.”
Reviewed By Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite
Podcasts & Interviews with Althea Provost