Asking Cosmic-sized Questions
The best way to prepare for an adventure is to prepare for the unexpected, the good kind. That’s what I advised our 2024 Starseed Egypt Adventure group, a mix of experienced globetrotters and eager newcomers. Having been to Egypt before, I knew that this ancient land had a way of surprising you with its beauty, Mystery, and diversity. And I wanted our group to be ready for anything, so I said, “Ask for the element of surprise.”
Then, posed the question followed by a suggestion:
“Are you willing to experience something even more significant than you know today? Ask the universe to surprise you with something more than you could ever have dreamt of but your soul yearns for.”
This suggestion applies to anyone who wants to participate in cosmic size answers. You could be a receptacle for a flash of genius, a willing participant in something unique and exciting, or be a recipient of a revolutionary thought that becomes light for the minds and hearts of others. Insight may arise as a course of action that leads to tangible benefits for yourself and others. Words may be given that could be a healing balm or a much-needed perceptional shift for a person who became lost or entangled in unconscious behavior.
The answer could also be a personal one, an explanation to a question that was asked long ago and has now arrived. That’s what happened to me. Nine years would pass before the answer arrived to my question. During my curious phase, I launched a million and one questions to the universe- the who, what, and where types. In time, I recognized that the universe knows when you can and cannot handle knowledge or the right time to deliver the answer. It reminds me of an interaction with the late Gloria Amendola, who demonstrated restraint when posing a question to me in 2014.
She said, “Althea, I know, you know the answer.”
She continued, “What I am considering is whether I am ready to know that answer because I can’t un-know, once I know.”
Gloria self-reflected, never asking me that question, nor was I privy to the content of her query. I suspect it involved extraterrestrials, as that conversation led up to the moment. We had different life tracts and interests but met as students of the Mystery. After our meeting in 2014, we went our separate ways, and she passed away in April of 2021. In 2023, I received a cell phone call from Gloria when I was knee-deep in esoteric information on the topic she would have likely asked me about. I couldn’t help but nod to the cosmos. Everything is revealed when it’s time.
In my Solar Consciousness course, I shared two beyond-ordinary moments of perception involving stone seats. This post is a follow-up to one of those moments.
Six years ago, in a small village in southwest France called Rennes-les-Bains. I sat on a large carved stone seat near a forest’s base. Moments before the autumnal sunrise, I suddenly experienced the qualities of the rising sun as I had never known before, which caused an auditable, spontaneous gasp. My perception of the surrounding native landscape quickly changed with a swirling vortex-like movement; I was now looking at a temple landscape where I saw tall fluted columns in white. Due to the fast-moving swirling motion, I could not adjust my eyesight up or down to look for any clues to help me reorient and date this temple. I wondered whether these fluted columns were Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian. Was this temple Greek or Roman? Recalling information from high school history class, I assumed the columns were not Doric, which are often portrayed with broad bases. Bulbous bases that appear weighted by the roof of the Greek temple period.
See the photograph of the temple of Hera I circa 550 BCE in Paestrum, Italy, formally an ancient Greek city known as Poseidonia, as an example of Doric columns.

My initial assessment that the temple columns were not Doric was incorrect. In 2014, I asked a cosmic-size question: please show me the answer. Remember, I said show me, not give me the answer.

That answer arrived six long years later. In December 2023, I was researching another temple in Italy, which required translating a book written in Italian. When I said show me the answer, I wasn’t anticipating another translation project. But the answer to my question was found in a book called Delphes, Delos et Cumes: Les Grecs et le Zodiaque, written by Jean Richer and published in 1970. At any given point, I have a stack of books on my desk waiting for time and attention, including Richer’s other book, Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks, which I purchased in 2018. Translations can be tediously slow, so I wasn’t thrilled to dive into another foreign translation project. I decided to take small action steps each night before bed, thinking this book would act as a sleep aid, but it had the opposite effect. Thanks to translation devices, I soon discovered Richer linked Rennes-les-Bains in SW France to a zodiacal landscape laid out by our ancient ancestors. The answer was shown: this tiny French town aligns with the temples of Delphi. Having physically traveled to both sites, Richer expertly bridged the gap between my experience and now understanding. The circular temple belonged to the sanctuary of the goddess Athena.
If you do ask cosmic-sized questions, be prepared to become a receptacle of that answer. It might require ongoing study, effort, adventure travel, dedication, and sharing wisdom to the best of your ability. Or a more straightforward way that is unique to you. The point is to ask and enjoy the reveal.

Photo credit: Museum of Delphi
The Sanctuary of Athena, Delphi, Greece
Using architectural terms, this building is called the Thalos to signify its round stone shape. Originally, the building had “20 Doric columns around the exterior, and ten smaller Corinthian columns around the inside of the wall, rising up from a low stone bench.” and the building was dated to 370–360 BCE. Her sanctuary site is known as the Temple of Athena Pronaia. Pronaia, is a term that indicates a temples before or infront of another. Athena’s temple is before the main complex dedicated to Apollo when approaching from the east.