
The Art of Giving | Complimentary Class

Althea Provost offers a complimentary class on The Art of Giving: Sacred Temple Libations. Journey to ancient Ireland, Greece, and Egypt for illumination on the use of libation vessels. Enter into these living spaces to understand how our ancient ancestors created foundations for ongoing gratitude for life eternal. Recognize the use of sacred objects imbued with conscious, deliberate acts of intention. Libation vessels were instruments to open a dialogue within ritual ceremonies between the seen and unseen to influence the gods and the everyday world.

  • Rediscover Ancient Libation Vessels
  • Recognize the Living Mysteries in Plain Sight
  • Understand Acts of Continuity and Timeless Giving

    What’s Included in this Online Course
    • 1-hr Recorded Zoom Class with Althea Provost
    • Exclusive video & audio content
    • Discover the use of sacred libation vessels in ancient Greece, Egypt, and Ireland. 
    • Learn how our ancients portrayed the act of giving and receiving gratitude.
    • Review the use of Libations in Temple Culture
    • To register for the replay, contact Althea. You will receive an email with appropriate links.
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