
Welcome to InnerTV

Please join me for my latest share, InnerTV!  A youtube channel dedicated to sharing wisdom, and insight from fellow teachers, authors, friends and more.  

It is my honor to share an interview with author Judy Carroll on Zeta Grey consciousness. Part one covers Judy Carroll and Helene Kaye‘s co-authored book, The Zeta Message, along with Judy’s second book, Human By Day, Zeta by Night. We share insider information on crystal implants, dual role consciousness, ET life aboard discs, reincarnation, and more. 

I hope you enjoy.  

Need energetic support?  My last appointment day is Monday, December. 11th, 2017. Please note, I am away on assignment from Dec. 12-22nd and upon return, a holiday break. Appointments restart on January, 2nd, 2018. Hours are 8-4pm MT. Evenings appts upon request. If you wish to book a session in 2018, send me an email.  I will have support to take your bookings.  Wishing you all, a wonderful holiday season. 

©2017 Thea’s Heart, LLC™ – All Rights Reserved

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