
InnerTV John Foster UFO reflections, Extraterrestrial Encounters

This InnerTV interview with John Foster concludes a 20-year exploration of ET contact. An earnest walkabout where I have respectfully listened to contactees, explored, read, and reviewed contact experiences in earnest. I have emptied of any fear and renew my appreciation and mindfulness of the importance of tolerance and understanding for my fellow contactees and UFO experiencers. I am grateful to everyone.

For communities to heal, we must all be willing to learn from each other. While I understand the idea of Reptilians could trigger some, I would suggest not listening to this interview, for this offering is not meant to ignite unresolved fears.

With that, I present John Foster, who has had extensive extraterrestrial contact with Reptilians and with men who appeared out of nowhere calling themselves The Brotherhood and inviting John Foster into projects and on ships for time travel experiences. The author of Eminent Discovery and To Earth From Heaven, in 1986, Foster parted ways and ended contact. I am thankful for his time and generous conversation. I respect and appreciate the 30 years he gave to understand his contact experience and to provide books that reflect this education.

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