Ascension Panel with Quantum Conversations

You’re invited to join me in a Quantum Conversation where we are talking All Things Ascension on the Quantum Conversations Season 21 opening Panel Party! Ask your questions or share your experience with our Light Tribe! This series of Quantum Conversations by host Lauren Galey is designed to EMPOWER & ENLIGHTEN you in your remembrance of your true mastery and your Divine Purpose for being here on this planet. Each Quantum Conversation assists you in moving into and maintaining the High Vibrational Frequencies of Joy, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Praise, and Compassion.

Click here for this Free Series 

After registering, you will get an email from Lauren Galey for my show 2 hours before the event and can listen to replay anytime.

I invited my community to share their views on Ascension, please find a sampling of responses in order received & with permission given.

So what does Ascension mean to me? It means to connect with my higher self and to become more in tune with everything around me. To hear the wind talk, to hear the birds talk to be conscious of the beings around us and energy that everything gives off. To completely understand to be connected with everything and know exactly what is my purpose on this wonderful planet. Thanks for asking. Sending you lots of love.

So what does Ascension mean to me? It means to connect with my higher self and to become more in tune with everything around me. To hear the wind talk, to hear the birds talk to be conscious of the beings around us and energy that everything gives off. To completely understand to be connected with everything and know exactly what is my purpose on this wonderful planet. Thanks for asking. Sending you lots of love. Adriana L.

Ascension means freedom and knowing your truth. A joy filled existence of oneness. Communicating and respecting all beings. Whether rocks, trees, plants, whales, fairies, etc., – a true love/sharing of our world. But also a knowing that we are connected to the stars, sun, moon, and planets of all universes. Renee C.

About 24 year’s ago I had the ascension spiral come down to just above my crown chakra while doing a healing on a client. This totally freaked me out as I had a young daughter and how would she be cared and provided for if I wasn’t around. I started putting all my affairs in order, updating my Will and guardian for my daughter and making a list of all my assets and shares etc. I then met a lady who turned into white light when I was talking with her and all I could see was her blue eyes and feel the energy. A message was given to me…’You need to bring the ascension spiral down into your body and ground it….your work is down here, not up there’After that I felt really calm, reassured and energized. The experience left me more powerful, grounded and ready to get the work done that I was here to do.  -Gwenda Bowman, New Zealand

I don’t necessarily think Ascension my goal from a very simplistic point of view is to live each day as my very best loving person that I can be and from here practicing loving myself first everything towards myself first compassion understanding and if one day I can master that the love of self the love of family here I just might start thinking ascending, but if I was to put it in a sentence with his Ascension to me Ascension is mastering the love of self and then wedding that flow out of you to every person place and thing Elementals and planet and Beyond with love light song and joy☆♡☆♡☆♡ –Caroline Manzo

Ascension means that I have balanced all the duality states of consciousness and am completely united with my Higher Self/Soul 24/7, I am in peaceful bliss! Thanks for asking!

Coming into the truth of knowing we are all one. It is all about love, peace, and joy. Rising above the human thought process into the light. -Roxie

Ascension means rising above three D with only love and not be affected by external Circumstances but vibrate higher and only let love rule your day!
Linda L.

For me, coming from a Hindu based entry into the ascension world, it was about freeing the mind from beliefs and judgements, freeing oneself from duality, moving the shakti (feminine) energy up the central column to meet in the crown with shiva (masculine), to result in fully developed consciousness. Using the caduceus as the symbol….staff is central channel, snakes (life energy paths of duality), white, black, day, night…..etc. Meeting points of snakes (ida) and (pingala) are chakras. Goal is to bypass those paths of duality and have your life energy travel directly up the column or sushumna, fully expanded wings at top represent enlightenment. Now, it seems to be more about the de-scension of higher self into body, embodiment, holding so much light, balancing an expanded state with trying to function linearly in the world until it becomes second nature, living from a completely open heart, moving into a more telepathic reality where everything is open and known. About all I can manage now, if I come up with something brilliant, I’ll share further.
-Lori K.

To me it means embodying your i am presence, walking in the path of mastery. living an empowered life, being connected to your multidimensional selves…
Elizabeth A.

To me it means awakening and moving beyond the 3rd dimension that we are currently living in, and for new realities to be introduced. –Marsha M.

From the point of view from the third dimension, it is the first in a number of transitions that bring us back to – from whence we came.

Not a one time event, but a series of growths taken with the experience we’ve gained along the way, and it has been a long way indeed.-Love & Light,Tom A.

For me this means the elevation of my physical vibration to higher frequency as well as my heightened awareness of myself as a spiritual being here on the planet at this time for purpose. Ascension will continue to upgrade my human form ( I hope) as well as my ability to more easily connect with my higher self, guides and others to engage in lifting the energy of the planet towards peace. I also see it as allowing me to move from the 3D experience to higher vibrations to experience more peace and loving humanity.Ella Q.

Hello my beautiful Althea, I Didn’t have to think too much about this… To me ascension is rising above the constraints of our everyday lives here on earth.
To ascend is to have wisdom, experience and to really ‘not sweat the small stuff’ anymore.
To acknowledge that all those around us, be them your family, children, close friends and indeed the wider community, have their own journey and reality, memories and life lessons. These are not yours. Ascension is being there, but not allowing the impact of what is around us to trip us up and play into the chaos that can ensue and is constantly bombarding us.
To be truly present but not be bruised, hurt and affected by it. To be strong and to rise above.
When we can truly be in this place, with infinite love and gratitude at all times, I believe we are truly in ascension…
but don’t be fooled that in our human bodies, we will still react and that is ok… just know that this too shall pass…..
and then sleep well with a clear conscience and no fear. –Nina Angelo, Australia

Ascension means many things to many people. For myself it’s a heart opening into love. It’s forgiveness for self and all others. Observing. Not getting into the drama of others while learning lessons through prayer & meditation to release my own all the while loving my little girl self . I don’t resonate with the old group of friends, associates, foods. Sometimes feeling quite alone frankly. My life has changed dramatically.Karen Johnson

I have pondered this question, because people use the words ascension and enlightenment interchangeably, which doesn’t seem correct to me, and I wonder how to distinguish between the two processes. They both include an expanded view and egoic undoing, and beyond that I can only feel my way through it. It seems that ascension may be more attainable for many, living multidimensionally while maintaining a sense of separation or individuality? (I may be wrong about this) while enlightenment involves a merging with All That Is in a way that is irreversible, and there is no longer a sense of separation? I wonder about other lifetimes and when we ascend on Earth, how does that affect our other lifetimes, is it possible to ascend in all lifetimes simultaneously? And then what would happen, where does consciousness go, into more unified forms, or does it like to remain partially “asleep” at all times…..I look forward to this conversation!Thank you!!  💖 Stephanie I.

My idea of Ascension is a matter of expansive conscious awareness.
It is the process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to the divine soul within helping us become more balanced, synchronized, and able to expand our awareness.
It is the process of clearing and healing of our 3rd-dimensional self-imposed limitations of thoughts, beliefs, and actions that keep us bound to duality and polarity.
As these things are realized, released, and changed, higher vibrational Light energy is able to fill those spaces and raise our vibration.
As we continue to do this, our vibration and frequency will rise and we become more neutral, open, and expanded.We then ground this high energy down into our physical body, our mental state of wellbeing, our emotional stability,and our spiritual alignment helping us to consciously know who we are and why we are here now.
The goal is to embody the Christ Consciousness or above in Unity and Oneness with All There Is while we are still in the physical 3rd dimension. It is the freedom of our soul not bound to the physical body aiding us to perceive life from a much higher perspective with limitless possibilities living in Peace, Love, and Joy!!!Namaste! Thanks for asking! Sharon W.

Ascension means you have become aware of your multi-dimensionality.
We may realize the gap between our default dimension – the one we return to naturally in a resting state – and others’ default dimension is so great that communication is nigh impossible. We may have the experience of explaining ourselves – why we did or didn’t do something – met with a supposition that is 180 degrees off from our intention We recognize that they are hearing us, viewing us from what I’ll call a lower dimension – a dimension that is baser than the one we are operating from. For example, if we’re being generous and kind, they may accuse us of “showing off.” If we are earnestly trying to be helpful, they may say, “you think you’re so smart.” If we give them a provable fact, they may regard it as an opinion.
Ascension means that you are content – about 99% of the time. It means that your world is full of love for everyone, all creatures, and everything else. It means you are rarely triggered – getting cut off in traffic fills you with gratitude that you were not hit. If someone is rude to you, you understand it wasn’t about you. You don’t even bother to try to figure out why. You let it go; it is momentary and makes no real impression.
Ascension means you no longer have the memory you once had, and no, it’s not dementia or the because of your age. It’s that past no longer holds much interest – you recall what you need to recall and the rest of it becomes nonspecific.
Ascension means you have access to a vast store of information, that when you focus on something, you receive information about it. It’s as if you’re connected to an invisible google search system, except you don’t need a computer, don’t need to search. It just shows up.
Ascension means that you realize there are invisible helpers all around you – they may be angels, spirits, spirit guides, fairies, elves, ascended masters, archangels, and helpers that take human form. You realize that you can talk to your dear departeds and they will answer you – maybe in words but maybe in some other way – through email from people trying to sell you things, in ads, social media, podcasts, radio, tv, snatches of conversation you hear as you go about your day.
Ascension means you feel connected to everything – you recognize yourself as being part of all of it. You live in the natural flow of life. You have no trouble quieting your mind, you see spherically and holistically. You don’t entirely abandon linear or logical thought for it’s a nice tool for accomplishing things in 3D, but you recognize that linear thought causes you to think in fragments – haltingly – and it takes you out of the flow that has become your natural way of being.
Ascension means that you see past behavior to something deeper – that you have a cosmic consciousness – that there is meaning everywhere. An example that sounds silly but was far from it: My son, the lawyer, called to ask my advice about a pot for making party-size chili and one-dish feasts. I suggested a pot by a manufacturer named Tramontina. We went online, found the one I thought right for him, and he bought it. Later that day, I got an email from a stranger named Tramontono which contained a genuinely valuable piece of information for me. I would have deleted without opening this email if I had not noted the similar names and thought the universe might be telling me something with this seeming coincidence.
Ascension gives you wisdom. You look at the machinations of others around you and see where and how they could accomplish their ends with much less fuss. You help if they ask for it or if you see a compelling reason to do so but you respect their path understanding that’s where they “need” to be at this point of their journey.
Ascension means that you are in the flow I referred to above. Nothing is a struggle – even if it appears to be. Intuition is sharp, and you have built it the way one builds a muscle. You see a seeming setback for what it is – an opportunity to change direction or even let go of something. Unhealthy cravings and even addictions can disappear in the flow.
Ascension means you understand Teilhard de Chardin’s pronouncement that you’re a spiritual being having a human experience. While you may not look forward to dying, you may even want to live forever, you also have no fear of stepping out of this body suit.
Ascension is heaven, I think. The world is unbearably beautiful much of the time, it has layers and depth and meaning. A song is not just a song but a portal to a deep place of thought, understanding, and maybe even bliss.
Ascension naturally changes our lives; our connections to friends and family may change, communication may become limited or even impossible. We find our tribe, though, and the connections there are deep and delicious.
Ascension means that we are tuned in to healing – that we are healers – that we know how to heal ourselves, that we have a deep understanding of illness.
Ascension means that we see the big picture – whether it’s politics, countries, wars, societies, religions, we see the whys and hows and we can outline paths in and out and through them. We understand human behavior. We have great faith in ourselves because we have begun to grasp our own power.
Finally, ascension means we have at long last grasped the reality that we create our world, that the hologram we read about that seemed so mysterious and otherworldly, so far out, so woowoo, is our new normal. And in this new place of understanding, we are learning to play with creation, manifestation, and embodiment.
We know we’re not there yet and we think that there is no there yet – we feel as if we are driving the evolution and that maybe no one yet knows where it’s going – we know that its motivation, driving force, and its destination are love – but we don’t yet know what form, which routes, what experiences that path may include. – Anon

Personally, I have no idea what “ascension” is. Of course I could google it and obtain definitions or attend workshops …. but it seems to me that only those who have had a profound personal experience or series of experiences have true knowledge and even then conveying these “truths” to others who have not had such experiences may be difficult since “it is beyond words”. My first impulse was to write that I, myself, have never had an ascension experience….. but a little internal voice pointed out that this is not accurate. I have at least twice been in a state of mind where “the impossible” happened without effort or conscious direction. One of these I could have easily been killed or severely injured… if not dead, paralyzed. But… it didn’t unfold that way. So maybe there is such a thing as temporary ascension… or intermittent ascension; slipping out of “normal” into “exceptional” before tumbling back into “normal”. If so, a question is why would any of us CHOOSE a return to normal rather than going into, and staying within, a higher orbit? And I just remembered that as I started this email to you, I heard the word “Shaktipat” and the Christian term “impartation”. Maybe a “normal” human needs to “catch” ascension from one who is already living there? –David Anderson, Colorado

Connecting with the divinity within, approaching the source derived energy impulse that is our sparkle of unity consciousnessPat W.

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