Highlights from Crystal Adventure 2019

Courtesy of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site

Adventure aplenty

Our summer solstice adventure offered an abundance of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g from high energy to talented souls, to a trail of flowers – flowers in our welcome drinks, on our dinner plates, in our ceremony, in our giveaway to mama lake, along our collective walk and on dishes served at our impromptu final dinner.  Songs were also plentiful.  At our Welcome Dinner, Kehau’s Hawaiian blessing silenced a boisterous restaurant before erupting in simultaneous applause.  The unexpected song wave continued each day as we connected to land, to water, to each other and ended with a spontaneous song of gratitude gifted to me at our final dinner – a full-circle moment. I Love that!  Thank you ALL.

Our shared time included: a release of a Red-shouldered Hawk thanks to Monroe’s rehabilitation efforts, lovingly prepared locally-sourced organic food, an amazing raw chocolate-orange cheesecake with edible flowers, a Hawaiian Pi-Ki ceremony, a sacred pink lotus oil blend for our solstice gathering created by Kayse, a white lotus oil blend shared by Star during our water time, an open STAR bar – high vibe flower and gem essences for spritzing and sampling, we sipped on fresh spring water and had more time with mama lake, including a Starseed first – with Mark at the pontoon helm – a pull along.  More feathered friends joined us, including a meet and greet with Hooter, a baby Great Horned Owl and a red cardinal who flew around the Starseed Van windows trying to join the magic.  Fisher mountain offered a cooling and refreshing wind that carried Kehau’s blessing to all life.  Our dig included small and large crystals aplenty.  I received a crystal gift from Lori, a large quartz cluster that she found.  Click here for photos.  Giving back to the land, supporting the community, and investing in sharable expressions was equally important and we did, through intentions, spontaneous, purposeful ceremony that highlighted the gifts each person choose to offer, and through my ongoing effort to support the local Starseed community.    

Switch Energy

From the start, this adventure offered “switch” energy from hotel rooms to cars, from airplanes to individual intentions:  An invitation to unchain the obligated mind.  Change is an unavoidable constant. Soul stretch stirs the personality out of certainty, stimmed by personal preference, habitual habitation, and back to the path of unforeseen energy.  With a decade-plus of spirit travels, I have developed a heightened awareness for “the shift” — that precise moment when a spirit is about to morph someone’s reality.  This adventure shifted some of my most tried and true, gifted and talented psychic women I know.  I witnessed transformational energy starting before they arrived, observing spirit amplify their light with the passing of each day.  Adjusting attitude, desires, understandings and for some, revealing a call to greater inner alignment as they returned to their prospective homes.  Spirit delayed a handful of hearts from exiting for more ‘in situ’ flow.  You walk in one way and SWITCH, you leave another way.  Time and conscious unpacking share the reveal, that precise or series of catalytic moments that shifted your inner world to see a new way.

Toltec-Tula, the Immortality of the Soul 

Kehau, raised with a strong spiritual connection, underwent a powerful transformational shift.  Her psychic bandwidth adjusted; her auditory abilities stretched by the sounds of crystal bowls played by the unseen realms.  When her frequency aligned, a new spirit guide stepped forward to assist her.  This Toltec-Tula guide named Achoola is a master healer who made his transition 1500 years ago during a stand for peace.  This connection was a riotous blessing for me as I am a perpetual learner, always eager to fill in historical gaps, both on this planet and beyond.  I love to learn and apply myself, to understand the past, to wash away the ignorance of forgetfulness and to embody universal truth.  Achoola, which means ‘singing winds’ kindly accommodated my questions, sharing insight on the Toltec-Tula, head binding, star clans, Chaokia tribes, pyramids houses, perspectives on death, and more… 

Love Reveals as it Initiates

Amongst our adventurers, I observed the trickle-down effect as one glimpses an understanding of coherence.  For some, their spirit offered sound cues – something greater than their human self, whether a brief yet unforgettable moment when celestial sound are heard or daily crystal attunement using unseen crystal bowls.  Love reveals and initiates the receiver to notice what is hidden inside oneself.  The inner spark of divinity or a space deeply held within that denies the way of love. Journeyers on the path of illumination understand the power of the living light.  That light reveals our wholeness – who we truly are as spirit.   Thank you all for contributing your light and your way. 

An amazing trip for Craig and I. We enjoyed meeting such a diverse group of people. The sharing, giving and just being with you all is with us always. Thank you all for being a part of this Summer Solstice Adventure.
The itinerary was set with enough flexibility to accommodate the group activates, as well as individual time to enjoy a variety of activities from exploring downtown Hot Springs to being pampered at the spa.
The Waters offered lovely accommodations and much history within its walls. The staff, of The Waters and The Avenue, were friendly, professional and knowledgeable of Hot Springs history and highlights. We did have glitches in the room accommodations, gratefully at the end of the day, we all had a place to lay our heads. The Avenue offers an exquisite and fun menu with beautiful presentations. The surrounding restaurants and shops are as enticing in their personalities. The dinners we shared with group members allowed us to share various levels of ourselves and to recharge for the next day’s adventure. There was no shortage of love and laughter. The energy that moved through this adventure was as it was meant to be for each individual. The vibrations and energy levels were welcomed and different for each of us. All souls received what was to be. Thanks to Katie Rose, Shirley, Kathy, and Peggy for keeping the weather beautiful and accommodating. Garvan Botanical Gardens is a wealth of beauty and calm. Thanks to Kehau for the blessings, ceremony and the powerful vibrations of her voice that touched every soul. Love and gratitude are endless. The visit with Monroe and Hooter was a true blessing. The calm and curiosity in Hooter’s eyes were enlightening. Monroe’s love, patience, and information about our feathered friends were endless.  The adventure on Lake Ouachita with its silica-rich crystal water was nothing less than stunning. The crystalline waters of the lake gave what was needed and washed away what was not, known and unknown.  Our boat captains are as captivating as the landscape. The love, welcome, and knowledge were given freely during our lake excursions. They freely opened their hearts and homes to all of us, we thank you.  The Crystal dig is a bit misleading. There is no digging required. What is to be yours will be waiting for you to merely be picked up off the surface. The crystals welcome you with loving energy and Mount Ida gives freely. Althea, you are the best and as Lauren says “We are your posse”.
Roxie M., Texas, USA

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