Cosmic Adulting

As Starseeds, we have vanned together 😉 on our way to incredible megalithic sites through Ireland, snorkeled the Aegean sea, spelunked limestone caves in Southwest France, discovered crystal friends in the red clay of Arkansas, entered into the sacred Cathar Caves with director Richard Stanley, shared stories with contactees at Uluru, had UFO experiences, met fellow Greys with authors Judy Carroll and Helene Key, learned about ancient myth, stone, and stars with author Anthony Murphy, celebrated mama lake with high strangeness, traveled back in time as Althea Provost shared archaeoacoustics principals of the Hypogeum of Malta, studied ancient rocks with author Steven Strong, walked the path of compassion in Assisi, discovered star portals, reviewed the historical narrative with author Anneke Koreman, held ceremony at global sacred sites, entered into cave time with aboriginal storyteller Nina Angelo, participated in healing circles under the moon and stars, sang, cried, laughed, shared memorable meals, quantumly expanding all the while walking the path of the goddess – together.   

After two months in Europe, I cannot easily communicate the multi-layered experience I shared and went through personally in a short blog post.  It takes time to allow energy to unpack itself and the words to flow.  Gratitude to everyone who joined me for Starseed Adventures in Malta and Greece.  Thank you for showing up, sharing what you carry within, and being willing to transform.  Cosmic Adulting can be fun.  In other words, your willingness to travel into environments that expand you beyond your preferred comfort zone, to release the reasons for not wanting to take responsibility for your holographic projection, and eventually, to fully zip up and wear your cosmic skin-suit as you were meant to wear.  

Photos have been uploaded to each adventure, please use the tabs to explore, download and enjoy.

Latest Reviews:

When u sign up for one of the Starseed Adventures, you get just that! A sisterhood (men are welcomed, but on this trip it was all women) that bonds the beauty of the world, historical sights, insight into yourself and an all around change that ultimately affects the world. This time I went to Greece and fell in love with all that was offered. We were exposed to the culture, food, and lodging that melted my heart. Althea delivers. She fit in some optional time for rest, shopping or further exploration on your own. I love her flexibility and connections that bring like-hearted people from around the world together to learn, expand and just have joy. I would recommend these adventures to anyone, but note that they fill up fast. Jump on it as soon as it pulls on your heart. My only regret is that I am not able to go on all of her adventures. Renee C., Minnesota, USA

Adventure as a noun defined by Merriam-Webster: An undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks. The encountering of risks. An exciting or remarkable experience.
These trips are not your ordinary group tours. You run the risk of losing yourself…who you have been; and perhaps encountering a new way of being, realizing who and what you truly are. Courage and willingness to let go of what no longer serves required. 😊Starseed Adventures are about personal evolution; about stepping into your fearlessness, freedom, and sovereignty, about finding and becoming your Authentic Self. Althea is there to hold space for you every step of the way, to let you feel safe and hold you in her arms if a shift results in tears, and to always give you the absolute truth, ready or not because she holds such a high level of integrity. Althea is unfailingly loving, kind and generous. And I should mention FUN! Being in her Presence, you can’t help but experience joy. Each day of the trip was well planned but left space for personal choice/time for refection. Greece was beyond beautiful, breathtaking vistas of the mountains, crystal clear turquoise seas, gorgeous accommodations, amazing food, warm and hospitable people, ancient sites and museums to spark remembrance. So much research, careful planning, meticulous attention to detail, and love goes into these adventures. I loved meeting new soul sisters and renewing friendships with some I hadn’t seen for a while. Home just a week now, I am still integrating all that happened and is still happening as I am transformed by my experience. Thank you, Althea, for providing the opportunity to discover the magic I was in search of. I am so grateful and honored to have been a part of this journey, in the company of such beautiful women, each a goddess in her own right. Much love. 
Lori K., Florida, USA

After a deep dive into Knossos and Minoan goddess harmony, we took another deep dive into crystal clear azure water of the Aegean. After a sumptuous sensory experience of the Venetian port city of Chania had another sumptuous experience of a slow-cooked feast in the White Mountains.
Guided by Athena’s resonance, with Althea’s exquisite heart-centered attention to detail & planning, we balanced archeology and ancient wisdom culture with sisterhood, Balos boating, and swimming, (Poseidon assisted) and pure fun, with delicious fresh food and mountain tea, at a divine Villa on the beautiful isle of Crete under a starlit sky. Renewal and pure Joy steeped in Greek hospitality blended with Goddess energy. Thanks sis, Althea 💕
Pat W., Boston, USA

My trip to Greece started with much uncertainty due to late flights at each connection. All the pieces fell into place as needed. Upon my arrival at the villas, the energy was flowing in waves of joy and love. Each sister goddess was uplifting to the soul and filled my human need of togetherness. The goddess Athena truly gave her blessing to our group. The bliss of stepping into her embrace was coming home to our true selves. Our chef-prepared dinner was filled with dishes that made the taste buds sing with joy and delight. The Grecian cuisine was filled with diversity from pastitsio, fish, tzatziki to greek nut and honey pastry rolls with ice cream. It was truly a feast for a Goddess or 8. Our accommodations at the divine villas flowed with positive Feng Shui, providing each individual with ample private space for reflection, meditation naps whatever one needed. There was abundant space for group gatherings, morning tea, watching the sunrise, viewing the magical night sky, and looking out over the sea. The call of Athena was felt deeply. We were gently welcomed into the clear blue, deep revitalizing water of the Aegean Sea, to enjoy the water’s healing power. We frolicked in the deep blue water and laid in the embracing Mediterranean sun soaking it all in. Our visit to the Palace of Knossos was astounding. History ran deep into the earth. Our visit to the Heraklion Archaeological Museum to view the work of Minoan architects, jewelers, potters, and painters was almost painful to the spirit crying for the lost knowledge of a civilianization. We experienced the energy of the artifacts and the long-forgotten matriarchal culture. The civilization had known true peace and harmony with the land, sea and each other. The spinning energy was almost overwhelming. The trip to the White Mountains had us stepping back in time. Goats and sheep owned the winding roads and were in no hurry to go anywhere. The rock faces in the mountains were truly the colors of an artist’s palette. Our arrival at the village of Drakona amazed and delighted us. We were treated to a traditional Cretan meal made in clay pots over a wood fire in a farm-to-table setting. The staff was gracious and severed us with true Greek pride.
Our Itinerary flowed as was needed by the group and individually. It offered diversity in individual interests and as a group. It was sweet sorrow to depart this adventure. I almost felt guilty to leave behind the embrace of the Goddess Athena until she said go and rejoice in your new-found knowledge, grow and share the love with all, I am always with you and your sisters. I thank you, Althea, for giving us this glorious adventure.
When is the next one??
Roxie M., Texas, US

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