Be the Change

This past Tuesday, I opened the door to find a clean-faced, mask-wearing, young man ready to help me wash the house windows. His energy was kind, thoughtful, and respectful, and his stature was slim and tall. One of those next-generation kids with a rainbow vibe. Moving in a determined way, he set out to complete the job. The doorbell rings again. A slightly older model steps up and introduces himself and his mission to change out our electric meter. A late 20-something with a Grizzly Adam’s vibe, his sun-bleached beard culminating to a point at his high heart. No doubt he has a good story to tell but it’s Trent, that captures my interest. Behind his youthful energy and his mulatto skin, a silent beat of contemplative worry. He steps into my office and I wait for my spirit to guide me. The conversation flows effortlessly. Without victim energy, he shares experiences. I listen. A recent graduate from a legendary high school known for indifference. He swam in unsupportive waters with infamous predatory teachers, the embezzling kind known for pedophilia were intermixed with checked-out teachers cashing in on regularity. Having received the gold standard of elitist education he decided that mutual respect was his direction. I shared a wider path to support his way: Mighty upheaval will occur over the next six years and just know that a path will be there for you to take. What was created in the division will fall. I spoke about banking, civil unrest in cities, and more, sharing that these changes are needed and necessary so that the world you inherit is worthy of you. He mentioned how he lives with his family in one apartment, and gave up on the idea of starting a family or owning a home. I said, be patient…allow these changes to occur. Avoid the fight and steady on. Your vibration will be supported. He understood.

When my daughter was young, a naturally gifted clairvoyant, she said, “In 2020, the world is ours.” A similar energetic message, “It Is Time,” triggers the evolutionary program on the planet and within starseeds. Both prompt a signal for the great change now occurring on the planet. A time when the breakdown to buildup picks up exponential speed. This is the time when the old system must collapse so a sustainable future is viable for all.

The transition is not a utopian experience. No energetic fluff. Planetary predators will blatantly show their life-denying behaviors. Purposefully baiting hairpin triggers in others to ignite and erupt senseless violence. Manipulate and divide, arrest, and suppress the growing awareness of our parasitic system. This playbook crafted in separation consciousness requires our agreement and participation.  Mitigate inner conflict, heal from separation consciousness, and remove your support from systems that divide.  Be the change. As a friend said, “Raise the vibration so they cannot land the war canoes on the island.”

©2020 Thea’s Heart, LLC™ – All Rights Reserved

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