Conscious Community Event, June 4

Please Join Us for a 30-minute LIVE Event

Let’s continue to empower each other.  


Join Althea Provost and special guests, Kehau Hori and Patricia Brennan for a conscious community meetup.  We are sharing knowledge, sacred sound, and conscious breath to support and empower each other to continue being the change.  

 We Unite as One Body of Light Serving the One Principal of Love.  

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

  • 10 am PDT (Los Angeles)
  • 11 am MDT (Denver)
  • Noon CDT (Chicago)
  • 1 pm EDT (New York)
  • 7 pm BST (London)
  • 4 am Sydney/June 5 – next day

This LIVE 30-minute community call is hosted via ZOOM.  Join us live or in the replay, call in via phone or web.  Offered by heart-felt love donation.  A donation button is offered below.  Call-in details will be sent to you afterward.  During the call, we ask that you receive and allow.  Replay link will be sent within 48-hours.


©2020 Thea’s Heart, LLC™ – All Rights Reserved

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