Spirals of Time

Another revolution around the sun is upon us. When we look over the arc of civilization as we know it, southern Mesopotamia comes to mind. The first known city, Eridu, came to greatness through Kings who descended from Heaven to erect Ziggurat temples and cities. They gave birth to crafts that sustained a culture, strengthened an economy, and provided sustainable resources for human survival within their design. In time, two opposing groups, the ancient Sumerians and Akkadians, created harm toward each other, leading to separate facts and realities. More injustices occurred, double standards appeared, and hostilities grew and escalated until repudiation started a boiling point. Ruler kings were challenged or dethroned; deaths occurred while the trauma remained stored in the bodies, hearts, and minds. Tensions simmer, peace remains elusive, and our ancient ancestors try again. While people intermarry, blurring tribal fidelities, simmering hate remains within the cells, creating a chain reaction in the next phase of violence. Repeat the rebuilding process, victors and defeated rise and fall, and on we go in nation-building while unhealed trauma becomes deeply embedded, lost in the subconscious, but not forgotten.

We are travelers passing through the spirals of time. 

When we build an inner pathway inward to our spirit, engage, and strengthen our heartfelt determination, we understand that life experiences provide soul growth opportunities. Joyful or painful, preferred or regretted, these experiences are the foundation for making wiser, more effective choices. At some point in our soul’s evolution, polarity battles become old and precipitously dull. With spiritual alignment, our spirit memory returns. When engaging with one’s inner self, many become aware of unexplainable and unshakable knowing or recall previous incarnations that allow for a broader understanding of the qualities of spirit: timelessness, limitlessness, and the eternal nature of embodied light. Separation architecture within the body template from previous incarnations rises in conscious awareness, all as an invitation to complete the healing process.  These shadows rise to be acknowledged, embraced and breathed through. When given unconditional space, integration occurs. When accepted in the healing process, elusive understanding becomes apparent. Stability returns.

Unconscious behaviors fuel inner conflict, confusion, uncertainty, blame, guilt, and shame, maintaining the wounded scaffolding without resolve.

In doing so, the need for epic battles, showdowns, revenge, righteousness, and archetypal patterns between the wounded healers and heroic victors engaging in savior narratives becomes consciously complete. We are generously given the rare opportunity to engage our spirit more fully and experience wholeness in a way that creates palpable, long-lasting healing and peaceful change. 

©Thea’s Heart® LLC, 2021 – All Rights Reserved.

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