Buckle up buttercup

Buckle Up Buttercup

There are many pathways to mystery’s door and limitless experiences to crack it open.  Inexplicable moments that jolt a slumbering consciousness awake, an inclusive open invitation to consciously walk the evolutionary path.  The pathway may include encounters with UFOs or extraterrestrial contact, mystical or psychic phenomena, a near-death or out-of-body experience, a mirrored partnership, or perhaps a combination of unique experiences.  These invitations offer a choice point. Do we dismiss, ignore, or deny experiences or engage with courage in the reality-busting process of love?  Love’s power to reorient a hardened mind and to transform resistance into active participation in life.     

Last October, I intended to drive to New Mexico’s indigenous sites for a private ceremony.  A giveaway ceremony with immense gratitude for all the other-worldly experiences explored and shared with others.  Yet each time we prepared for a weekend road trip, COVID-19 site closures occurred.  Allowing for divine timing, I began reexamining certain themes from my awakening path:  time travel, sacred sites, ancient ancestors, and how light affects consciousness for some and not others.  

In November, days before our sun and earth aligned to the Pleiades, I had more questions than answers.  Not one for unnecessary frustration, I asked the universe for help.  The Great Mysteries are given and revealed by Source, especially how and why.  Leaving room for insight to arrive, I focused on other areas of my life.   

A series of synchronistic phone calls came my way.

Unexpectedly, I received a call from my brother. “Hey Sis, have I ever told you about…”  He shared a memory of driving in a specific area where weird things happen.  He experienced an unidentified beam of light that came over his car while driving in the Mojave Desert of California.  At a full stop with his foot on the break, he experienced time distortion.  As he looked left out the driver’s side window, he could see the landscape passing by slowly, but time stood still when he looked out the passenger side window.  Within the motionless landscape, he saw Native Americans gathered by the side of the road wearing traditional clothes from way back when. 

Days afterward, a client rang for her appointment.  This client shared a time when she and her husband were driving in New Mexico on a Navajo road into Chaco Canyon to camp.  She saw Native Americans in all dress forms from different periods appearing alongside the road as they drove into the camping area.  At the campsite, the chief approached, talking to her in a language she couldn’t understand.  She decided to ignore the psychic communication because this between-the-realms experience was overwhelming.   

Between the two calls, I left a message with UFO investigative journalist, Paola Harris, author of Connecting the Dots.  I was curious to learn if Harris had experienced any electromagnetic anomalies after her extraterrestrial encounter with Antarel.  In 2014, Harris met Antarel, a three-meter-tall or nearly ten-foot-tall ET from the Alpha Centauri System at Mount Shasta, California.  Paola Harris returned my call, relating how the electronics in her house, from kitchen appliances to phones, would act up to the point that she was then guided to Crestone, Colorado, to receive clear, uninterrupted messages from Antarel about the earth.  

Not surprised by the post-contact electromagnetic interference, I related how our ancient ancestors carefully considered areas for building earthworks or ceremonial sites.  From my travels, I found sacred sites had a few things in common and related what those were and why I felt Crestone supported her connectivity.  

To be continued…

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