About Althea
“Heaven on earth” was Althea Provost’s earliest childhood memory; heaven experienced as a continued state of unified consciousness. Her birth gifts include heightened perceptional states such as clairvoyance with precognition, and an ability to see through the façade of the human container.
As a young child sitting beneath the night sky, she held an absolute knowing that the stars represented home. Early childhood experiences with duality created enough contrast that Althea found herself at a choice point: to trust the divine will or to develop the personal will. At ten years of age, she chose the latter. If her inner guidance said, “turn right,” Althea purposely turned left.
Through a series of “wake-ups” initiated throughout adulthood, Althea began to reconsider her attitude toward otherworldliness. Although she would pivot on her heels when encountering conscious contact, she couldn’t avoid the impression divine energy had on her consciousness.
Integration and awakening to greater aspects of oneself are like two sides of the same coin. When Althea awakened to one aspect of her star lineage – a Grey, she would have preferred ‘not knowing.’ In time, she integrated her star lineage, which led to heightened experiences with universality. An integration that moves beyond a skin-suit and all conceptual understandings, where she and Source merge as one.
Thea’s Heart, LLC.
What is Truth?
Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they found it. – André Gide.
As an intuitive counselor, Althea Provost utilizes her natural gifts to connect with Source and the higher aspect of another to deliver teachings that are unique to each soul.
She has held an unconditional space for clients to express their unique truths. Her previous client base included ministers and millionaires, fundamentalists to non-believers, and a kindergartner to a senior passing from this world. Her process is simple; she intuitively tunes into the Higher Self guidance of another and then shares it, holding no interest in changing anyone’s paradigm to reflect her point of view.
Statement of Purpose
As an energetic teacher, soul writer, and host of InnerTV, Althea Provost serves to empower star seeds, light-bringers, and awakened folks everywhere to remember love.
More About Althea
Althea Provost was born with her spiritual gifts intact, a natural clairvoyant with a propensity for precognition, and an unshakable knowing her home was in the stars. Althea considers herself a soul traveler on an endless journey, drawn in by a sense of wonder for the unknown. A perpetual student with a notepad in hand, she enjoys sharing knowledge gained from direct experience. As an energetic teacher, Althea meets you where you are and, together, higher self to higher self, provides now-moment intuitive guidance. Her company, Thea’s Heart, LLC® offers Starseed Adventures to sacred sites for initiation, activation, and to awaken others to their next level of awareness. Her YouTube channel, InnerTV, is a collective collaboration with spiritual teachers to share Starseed conversations, wisdom, and insights with a global audience.
Always Try to Create a Difference
My path includes helping others radiate their light.
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